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Constructing collaborated constructed responses for the Common Core World

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Keywords: Writing, Collaborating,
Subject(s): Science, Life Science, Special Needs, Earth Science
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Edward Hynes Elementary School, New Orleans, LA
Planned By: Jonathan Vitale
Original Author: Jonathan Vitale, New Orleans
Constructing collaborated constructed responses for the Common Core World

Primary Subject Area
Earth and Life Science

Grade Level

1. Students will be able to get instant peer feedback to better collaborate for correct answers.
2. Students will also be able to get a better sense of peer writing styles to help develop their own.

Approximate Duration
Two 50 min periods

Students will be able to get instant peer feedback to better collaborate for correct answers. Students will also be able to get a better sense of peer writing styles to help develop their own.

Technology related materials/supplies should be listed in these fields. Web sites should contain both the name of the site and the site¡¦s address or URL.
Ļ Document Camera

Background Information
Students should already know how to construct a paragraph.

Lesson Procedures
Students will be givien a promp to answer on the content matter we are covering.
Students will then in our SFA style give an answer to the prompt
Each student will then come to the front of the room and present their writing using the document camera
The other students and I will critique the students¡¦ writing to better the answer.

Assessment Procedures
Students will be given a chance the next class period to make appropriate corrections.
Students will rewrite their answers in their notebook
The teacher will then collect the notebooks for grade or may grade the students¡¦ work when the student presents.

Contact Information
Contact Information for the lesson plans submitter may include any or all of the items listed below:
Ļ Jonathan Vitale
Ļ Edward Hynes Charter School
Ļ 990 Harrison Ave 70124
ƒª [email protected]
Materials: Whiteboards, Camera/Video Accessories
Other Items: 1 Document Camera, $299.99 each, total of $299.99