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Cat's Famous Cupcakes

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Keywords: Autism, Books, Interactive Activity, Matching, Touch Technology, Smart Board
Subject(s): Technology, Autism, Special Needs, Speech and Language, Math
Grades P-K through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Portland High School, Portland, TN
Planned By: Michelle Gilliam
Original Author: Michelle Gilliam, Portland
Studies have shown that non-verbal, autistic children received great results in their learning when they used touch technologies such as the iPad or interactive boards. The iPad and/or computer allows the student to respond with physical responses rather than verbal. Students will be introduced to the interactive whiteboard in the computer lab with the assistance of the Media Specialist and the website, "mousecookiebooks.com". The student will enter the site and select "Cat" as the character to meet. They will select "Activities" and "Cat's Cupcake Decorating Game". "Play" will be selected and the students are to make a match of Cat's cupcake. They will match the color of the cupcake holder, the flavor of the cupcake, and the color of icing, with or without sprinkles. There is a time limit of 90 seconds to make as many of Cat's cupcakes as they can. The students will be following the activity directions by using the visual clues of Cat's finished product. The student will be using visual clues along with the touch technology to reach success in learning. At the end of the baking session, students then will tell how many points they received. Not realizing a math lesson was occuring.

The objectives are:
1. for the students to use interactive technologies, as well as touch technology from the iPad to expand their learning
2. for the students to use visual clues to complete a task
3. for the students to work on verbal and non-verbal language by communicating what they were doing or how they did the task
4. for the students to work on social skills as they interact with their classmates during the activities
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Students can now use the website, avenscorner.com, to learn other skills such as shapes, math, eye-hand coordination, colors, and more.
Links: Mouse Cookie Books
Aven's Corner
Materials: Whiteboards, Projectors, Hard Drives, Autism, Speech and Language, Hardware Devices