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Getting Techy With Insects

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Keywords: Using WebQuests to research insects
Subject(s): Art, Video, Technology, Science, Life Science, Writing, Drama, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 1 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Mackensen Elementary School, Bay City, MI
Planned By: Karrie Marciniak
Original Author: Karrie Marciniak, Bay City
Anticipatory Set: Teacher will introduce the lesson by reading Bugs Are Insects by Anne Rockwell and Steve Jenkins. We will then look at insect models and talk about their characteristics. An overhead projector can be used to display a variety of insects as students explain to their peers "What makes this an insect?"

Guided practice: As a class, we will create a diagram of an insect. Students will have an opportunity to make their own diagram once they've broken up into groups. They can do this using drawing apps on the iPad. They will need to take screenshots of their diagram and save it into photos. These photos will be displayed using the overhead projector later. Students will have an opportunity to explain their techy diagrams.

Teacher will use the overhead projector to display "An Insect's Perspective" WebQuest. Students will be using iPads and computers to work together gathering information on an insect of their choice. This process will be modeled for the students.


Practice: Students will work collaboratively as they complete the WebQuest, An Insect's Perspective. They will be using iPads and computers to complete this task. They will be required to follow the directions outlined in the WebQuest. They will work in groups throughout this activity. They will begin by completing the "task" as outlined in the WebQuest.

As a group, they will find creative ways to complete these tasks. They may chose to act things out, and record each other, or they may choose to use teacher supplied materials. However, they must work together to create a plan that makes sense.

Once the task portion of the WebQuest is complete, they will move onto the "process" section. They will also have access to a variety of informational books. They will record their findings in a journal. For step 3, they will record the group discussion as if it were an interview. For steps 4 and 5 (write a letter to Terminix and Create a Poster, they will work as a group.

Once this section is complete they will use the rubric provided in the "evaluation" section to evaluate their work. Next, they will trade with a peer, who will do the same.

The conclusion portion of this assignment will include the creation of a Google Hangout with another classroom.

Closure: Teacher will set up a Google Hangout (to be displayed on the overhead projector) with another class so we can discuss our findings and answer any questions they might have regarding insects. This Hangout will be prearranged so the students from the other classroom have questions on hand.

This will be a great way to expose students to a variety of technology. The Google Hangout will be recorded on YouTube and we will post it on our classroom website, along with some of the recordings previously made by the students during the project.

Evaluation/Assessment: Students will be assessed on their ability to complete tasks efficiently and effectively. They will be assessed on their abilities to work collaboratively while seeking a solution to a problem/question.

This lesson allows students to work collaboratively while using technology to complete a defined task.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Writing: Complete a research paper using your findings.
Reading: Read more about an insect of your choice.
Social Studies: Research how insects are viewed or used in other societies.
Math: Which type of insect is the most populous? How do their physical numbers compare to the numbers of humans or other animals on Earth? Make a graph or diagram to display your findings.
Activity ideas listed in Cross Curriculum Ideas.

Also, publishing of Google Hangouts and student made recordings. Discussions on ways to improve, what looked/worked great, and what could we add or remove from a similar activity next time.
Links: Link to WebQuest
Link to set up Google Hangouts
Materials: Whiteboards, Mobile Labs, Video Cameras, Flip Video, Networked Projectors, Projector Screens, Digital Voice Recorders, Microphones, Elementary, Printers, Memory Cards, Keyboards, Headsets, Mice, Flash/USB Drives, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Science, Web Page, Early Learning