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Body Tissues and Membranes

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Keywords: Dissection, Science, Document Camera, Interactive Activity,
Subject(s): Technology, Science, Life Science, English/Language Arts
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
View Full Text of Standards
School: Portland High School, Portland, TN
Planned By: Michelle Gilliam
Original Author: Michelle Gilliam, Portland
-Identify structures of the integumentary, skeletal, and muscular systems and show the relationship between these structures and their functions.
-Investigate physiological mechanisms that allow the integumentary, skeletal, and muscular systems to function.

-The learner will demonstrate a working knowledge of the function of the skin and body membranes system.
-The learner will list the general functions of each membrane type and give its location in the body.
-The learner will apply new information to dissect a rat and locate required tissues and membranes.

-Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Question (Bell Ringer): The class will be assessed in pairs based on their responses to the critical thinking question.

-Partner Activities: Each pair will be assessed in the lab by identifying and extracting the different membranes required and placing them in the correct space provided on the worksheet.

-Questioning: Students will answer a few questions on a notecard following the lab activity about the different types of membranes. This will be turned in before they leave as an “Exit Ticket”.

-Writing: Students will be assessed on a writing assignment that compares how the lab correlated with what was learned in the classroom.

-Formal Test: A formal test will be given at the conclusion of the chapter. The test will include multiple-choice questions, short answer/critical thinking questions, and structure labeling.

-Students will be studying about the integumentary system and its components.
-Students will have daily "Bell Ringers" to answer and conduct group discussions on.
-Notes from the day before and key points about tissues and membranes will be discussed daily after the "Bell Ringer".
-Students will review key concepts using the "clickers" before attending a lab session.
-Upon the completion of the review, students will be given lab directions, lab etiquette, and a worksheet. The worksheet is divided into sections where students must find body parts, tissue types, etc listed. They are to place the required items on the sheet for teacher assessment.
-Once the class is in the lab with their partner, the document camera will be used to start the dissection demonstration. The students will watch the teacher-led demonstration on how to dissect their rat.
-As the lesson proceeds and as the teacher circulates among the groups observing, the teacher will model different aspects of the rat to check for understanding or to clarify information.
-The camera can also be used to show a different rat should a group have something different or unusual about their's.
-At the end of the lesson, students will compare their worksheet to what the teacher demonstrates on the board.
-Using notecards, students will answer a few questions about the different types of membranes. This will serve as an "Exit Ticket" for the lab.
-Once the lab activity is completed, assigned as homework, students will write an essay describing the correlation between what they learned in lecture and what they visualized in the lab.
-One final review will occur before a written test is given.

Guided practice will occur with the explanation of how to properly dissect a rat. Using the document camera in the lab to project the image, the teacher will demonstrate how to properly open the rat. A walk-through of the anatomy of the rat will occur at this point. While dissecting, students will use the projected image to help guide them through their dissection. While dissecting, students will be asked to identify various types of connective tissue, muscle tissue, cutaneous membranes, mucous membranes, peritoneum, pleura, pericardium, meninges, nail, and hair. The teacher will walk around to guide and assess the students understanding.

The teacher will briefly review the material and the activity of the day. This review will summarize and restate the important information that was learned and show how the content learned relates to the state standards covered.
The document camera works well in a lab setting. It allows a visual before, during, and after a lab exercise.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
The completion of the "Exit Ticket" along with the homework essay incorporates English. The students will use reasoning, critical thinking, and presentation skills which are used in all subject areas.
Materials: Whiteboards, Portable, Hard Drives, Integrating Technology