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Year in Review

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Keywords: Year in Review/ Movie/ Podcast/photography/writing/Music/Art/
Subject(s): Information Skills, Biology, Art, Photography, Civics, Video, Animation, Social Skills, Spelling, Technology, Autism, Grammar, Dyslexia, Podcasting, Journalism, Special Needs, Writing, Drama, Music, Speech and Language, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Fairview Elementary School, Milwaukee, WI
Planned By: Dani Hassforth
Original Author: Dani Hassforth, Milwaukee
Each student will create a visual movie with words, music, writing, art projects to reflect on the year's best accomplishments in and outside of the classroom.

Every student will capture his/her best achievements and create a visual movie to share as a portfolio.
Each student Must have 3-5 writing pieces which can include poetry, letters, reflections or formal writing prompts.
Each student Must have 3-5 drawings or computer generated pieces of art.
Each student Must have at least 30 seconds of a voice-over.
Each student Must have at least one song that adds to the project's theme.

The project will be able to be copied onto a DVD to share with families.
This will also be used as the end of the year portfolio presented at Student Showcase night in May.
This is a great project that will be able to be used for similar presentations across ALL curriculum areas!
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Other topics could be used to create similar projects
Sharing with staff, students, classmates and parents at Student Showcase Night.
Materials: Digital Cameras
Other Items: 1 mobile lab, $1500 each, total of $1500.00
10 cameras, $100 each, total of $1000.00
1 color printer, $300 each, total of $300.00