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Multi Media: Television Show Production

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Keywords: Television Production
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Reading, Music, History, Drama, Writing, Grammar, Technology, Spelling, Video, Art
Grades 10 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Eden Valley-Watkins Jr Sr HS, Eden Valley, MN
Planned By: Denise DeJuliannie
Original Author: Denise DeJuliannie, Eden Valley
Out of School Time Multi-Media Production Course:

To prepare students for leadership in the digital media production and broadcasting
fields. Students will complete several projects that encompass developing movie ideas, creating scripts and storyboards, production process and shooting techniques, working with lighting and audio, using Final Cut Apple software to compose their footage into a movie; creating and producing a music video; television advertisements and news broadcasting.

Objective - Students will understand the following:
1. Producing a television show is a complex task that requires many skills, many people, and a great deal of thought and planning.

Materials Needed:
• Teacher Computer
• Personal devices with internet access
• Projector and Smartboard/Whiteboard
• Digital Video Cameras
• Tri-pod
• Light Screen and Lights (not necessary)
• Mac Lab/Final Cut Apple Software

1. Discuss with students their experiences with television. What are their favorite shows? Actors? Ask students what they think goes into producing a TV show, from an original idea to the shows we see on the screen. Brain storm these ideas on the Smart board.
2. Inform students they are going to go through the steps of producing a television show themselves in groups.
3. First, divide the class into groups, and allow group members time to research television productions on the Internet (using their BYOD) to get an idea of what goes into producing a TV show. Have a spokesperson from each group share their findings.
4. Have group members begin by developing an idea for their show.
5. Next, have them write a proposal, describing the plot, setting, and characters. The proposal should also specify the target audience for the show.
6. Once the group members are satisfied with their idea, they can proceed to write a script for one episode of the show. They might want to do some preliminary research to find out about the usual format for a television script.
7. After the script has been written, group members should create a storyboard, which shows the flow of the script in pictorial form.
8. If possible, have students choose actors for their shows and, after several rehearsals, film or tape their episodes using the digital cameras.
9. Download footage into Final Cut in the Mac Lab. Edit, cut and produce final footage.
10. Allow students time to create their back ground music and theme song in Garageband.
11. Have students share their creations during a "Popcorn Preview" in another class period.
Materials: English/Language Arts, Memory Cards, Batteries, Tripods, Camera Bags, Camera/Video Accessories, Hard Drives, Video Tools, Portable, Networked Projectors, DVD Camcorder, Flip Video, Mobile Labs, Whiteboards, Reading, Writing, Music, Sound Libraries