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Teacher Appreciation Week

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Keywords: Design, Graphic Design, English, Art, Creative, Create, Dropbox, Tackk, Canva
Subject(s): Information Skills, Art, Photography, Technology, Journalism, Special Needs, Writing, English/Language Arts
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Harlingen High School South, Harlingen, TX
Planned By: Amanda Banda
Original Author: Amanda Banda, Harlingen
Day 1:
Whiteboard Relay: 2 minutes
Question: What do you value most in your teacher/mentor?
Students will be broken up into groups. They will have 2 minutes to come up with as many words as possible that describe what they value most in a teacher/mentor. Winning group can be awarded some type of prize, extra/free time, etc.

Tackk: Journal Entry 1
Write about a teacher or mentor who has had a huge impact in your life. Talk about how they have influenced you. How have they helped guide you? Feel free to use words written on the board during the relay race to describe them. A minimum of 5 complete sentences.

Canva: Select "Poster" template for design
Create a design of appreciation for your current, or a previous teacher. If you do not have a specific teacher in mind, create a design that does not include a specific subject or teacher name, that can be for any teacher.
Brainstorming: Maybe you can write a short quote from your Tackk, a quote from the internet (be sure to include who wrote the quote), images of things that remind you of that person, school logos, or a photo of the person your design is for.

Day 2: Continue with Teacher Appreciation Week design. Take photos, as needed. Once designs are completed, review with neighbor for critiques and make needed modifications.

Tackk: Journal Entry 2
Once the design is completed, go to Tackk and write a journal entry that talks about the design. Students will critique their own work. What process did they use, did you write a quote, find one online, take a photo of someone? How do you think the teacher will feel when they see your work?

Gallery walk: Walk around the room and critique peer work. Write down acceptable critiques. Remember, be descriptive! Why does it look good, or why does it look bad? Do the colors coordinate, is everything easy to read?
Critique Examples: Bad: Looks good. -or- Looks aight -or- Ugly
Good: I really like how you blended the pink and purple. -or- I think the font is hard to read. Maybe you can add a stroke, shadow, or change the style.
Grades taken for:
* Design
* Gallery walk critiques
* Journal entries

Print/Dropbox: We will prepare our work to be printed. Adjustments may be needed for proper printing. Prints will be distributed during Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Files will need to be submitted via Dropbox.
This lesson was originally designed for student work to be created in Adobe Photoshop. Canva is an excellent web 2.0 tool for creating high quality graphics, ideal for those who do not have previous Photoshop experience.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Students can also be asked to write a poem for Teacher Appreciation Week, allowing the project to integrate more of the writing platform.
Students can take photos with the teacher who they created their design for. This is a great wrap up to this project. Then, have them insert the image into their Tackk Journal. (Tackk allows for projects to be "private." See the "options" tab for the project to ensure privacy is enabled.
Links: Tackk Website - Journal Entry
Canva Website - Design
Materials: Whiteboards, Mobile Labs, Digital Cameras, Point and Shoot, Digital SLR, Art Tools, Hard Drives, Printers, Memory Cards, Cables, LCD Monitors, Power, Keyboards, Mice, Web Page, Internet Services