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Pod-Casting for Parents

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Keywords: Early Learning; Podcasting
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Math, Reading, Speech and Language, History, Drama, Writing, Science, Podcasting, Early Learning, Technology, Social Studies, Social Skills, Photography, Art, Information Skills
Grade P-K
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: St. James School for Little Folks, Hendersonville, NC
Planned By: Denise Purcell
Original Author: Denise Purcell, Hendersonville
Objective: To show parents developmentally appropriate practices in an early childhood educational setting that can be transferred and reinforced at home.

Intro. Activity: Teacher would choose a developmental domain: Social/Emotional; Cognitive; Physical and Language development. He/She would video themselves introducing the concept to the students using developmentally appropriate practices.

Whole Group Activity. The teacher would connect the concept with a picture book that would help the students to visualize the concept being taught during circle time.

Individual Activity: The teacher would strengthen the skill taught by adding specific activities to various learning centers through-out the classroom. For example: in the book area, she might add flannel board pieces so the students could retell the story read at circle time.

Review: Upon completion of learning centers, the teacher would review concepts with the whole group by asking questions; recording student answers; and making charts and graphs to reflect learning.

Followup: The teacher would then suggest ways in which a parent could reinforce these concepts at home by providing activities and take home materials.

Here is how I see it working using a specific concept using a specific theme.

Objective: Students/Parents will learn how they are different and like others in their classroom using video taped clips and learning activities.

Title: All about me

Circle time: Read story: I like me. Talk about how we are all alike and different.

Below are a few ideas on ways to change learning centers in the classroom for this theme. Video children using these items in their play while the teacher asks questions and guide their discoveries.

1. add mirrors in art so students can create self portraits
2. add facial expressions to book center so students can explore feelings on the flannel board
3. add pictures of various houses to the block center so student can recreate their home like mobile home; single floor house; duplex, apartment complex; 2-story house
4. add textures to science center like vinyl siding; brick; wood; cinder-block
make a chart of light hair vs dark hair children; eye color; pet;

Review: Discover what the children learned by asking open ended questions. Chart learning using Venn diagrams.

Home/School connection: send home art materials so each family can create a family tree using home pictures and traditions special to them. Students would have a chance to share their creation at a follow-up circle time and post it in the classroom for others to enjoy.

This format could be used to teach any early learning concept or theme.

The addition of this equipment would help parents understand how classrooms operate and increase the home/school connection by encouraging parents to take an active role in their child's education.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Art; Math; Science; Early Learning; Social Studies
DVD's could be made for parents to view at home with the child. Parents could do the process in reverse to share concepts with the class.
Materials: Speech and Language, Early Learning, Flash/USB Drives, Cables, CDs and DVDs, Memory Cards, Batteries, Tripods, Point and Shoot, Flip Video