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Social Situations & Emotions

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Keywords: video modeling, social skills, AUTISM
Subject(s): Social Skills, Autism, Special Needs
Grades P-K through 2
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
View Full Text of Standards
School: Mariposa School, Cary, NC
Planned By: Whitney Tindall
Original Author: Whitney Tindall, Cary
Materials Needed:
-Tablet with video camera and "Draw on Picture" application
-Projector & screen to display information on tablet
-Social stories
-Laminated pictures of people exhibiting a variety of different emotional states
-Dry erase markers

Introduction to Emotional Recognition:
- The teacher will use the tablet to display a variety of pictures of people exhibiting emotions.
- Each student will have a set of corresponding pictures that are laminated and a dry erase marker.
-Teacher assistants will help the students match the picture to the one displayed on the screen.
-The teacher will begin using the "draw on a picture" application to help the students identify the facial features associated with each emotion (e.g., raised eyebrows would be circled for "surprised" or a frown would be circled for "sad").
-The teacher assistants will use least to most prompting to help the students circle the facial features on each of their pictures cards.
-The students will then practice interpreting novel pictures for each emotion by pointing out the facial features associated with them.

Lesson Extension:
-The teacher will have pre-recorded videos depicting a variety of ongoing social situations.
-The teacher will play the videos and have the students identify the emotions attached to the social situation.
-More advanced students will vocally explain why they think the person is exhibiting the emotion while less advanced students will use their emotion picture cards as a matching activity.
The students can be assigned a social situation to "act out" and record using a video camera and/or device that have a video camera.
Materials: Whiteboards, Video Cameras, Digital Cameras, Projectors, Projector Screens, DVD/VCR Players, Wacom Tablets, Camera/Video Accessories, Art Tools, Clip Art, Autism, Early Learning, Speech and Language