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Forming Author's Perspective Page Views: 3721
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Keywords: Author's Perspective, Technology, Opinions, Text Evidence, Cross Curricular |
Subject(s): Art, Social Studies, Spelling, Technology, Grammar, Science, Writing, Music, Reading, English/Language Arts |
Grades 2 through 5 |
NETS-S Standard: - Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research and Information Fluency
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
- Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards |
School: Apopka Elementary School, Apopka, FL |
Planned By: V. Freund-Ahmetaj |
Original Author: V. Freund-Ahmetaj, Apopka |
Florida State Standards Title: Author’s Perspective Lesson Plan Duration: 1 Day, 90 minutes Essential Standards: • LAFS.3.RI.2.6 Distinguish their own point of view from that of the author of a text. (DOK 2)(MTP Focus: Author’s Perspective) Supporting Standards: • LAFS.3.RI.1.2 Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea. (DOK 2) • LAFS.3.RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. (DOK 2) • LAFS.3.RI.2.5 Use text features and search tools to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. (DOK 2) • LAFS.3.RI.3.7 Use information gained from illustrations and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text. (DOK 2) • SS.3.A.1.1 Analyze primary and secondary sources. (DOK 2) • SS.3.A.1.2 Utilize technology resources to gather information from primary and secondary sources. (DOK 3)
Please note: not all supporting and essential standards may apply to your lesson. Adapt as necessary.
Essential Question: How is an author’s perspective conveyed in text?
Learning Goal and Objective: The student will be able to distinguish their own point of view from that of the author of a text.
Academic Vocabulary: Author’s purpose Narrate Explain Evidence Context Clues Details Persuade Author’s Perspective Describe Support
Lesson Plan Description: Students will review the concept of author’s purpose and revisit the idea that each and every author has a purpose for writing.
Students will be introduced to the concept of author’s perspective by identifying specific opinions and adjectives that explain the author’s point of view from an article in StoryWorks. Students will highlight particular sentences that illustrate the author’s opinion.
Throughout the lesson, students will be engaged in a variety of activities. If time permits, students will collaborate within groups before participating in a debate on the different views from the article. Students will have an understanding that their opinions must be formed from evidence in text.
*Please see attachment for resources used during lesson.
Steps and Procedures: 1. Explain to students that all Authors have a purpose for writing. Explain the three types of purposes that Authors write. Mention the acronym PIE (Persuade, Inform, and Entertain). 2. Tell students that today they will learn about the Author’s Perspective. Students will identify how an author feels about a certain topic or situation. After, students will form their own opinions based on evidence. 3. Ask students “Should kids be allowed to play dangerous sports?” Have students record their answers independently on a post-it and place it on the Tug-of-War bulletin board. Leave this displayed until students form their own opinions based on evidence from the text. 4. Have students review and read the selected article and read independently. Encourage students to make notes and highlight words they may not know- encourage the use of context clues. 5. Review the article with students and identify opinion statements and specific adjectives that the author uses (use a highlighter). 6. Have students record a few sentences on their post-it notes that identify the author’s feelings and opinions. Students will work in groups and collaborate on the Class Wiki page by using students’ computers and tablets. 7. Have students revisit their initial opinion and have them form their opinion based on evidence from the text. Use handout/exit slip (see attachment).
Planning and Preparing for Use of Resources and Technology:
For the purpose of this lesson, each student will be provided with a copy of the StoryWorks article that will be used throughout the week “Should Kids Be Allowed to Play Dangerous Sports?” Students should be given resources to keep organized such as post-it notes to use with an Author’s Perspective graphic organizer, sunglasses for engagement purpose and the understanding that they are viewing from the author’s eyes, and an exit slip to reflect on what was learned at the end of the lesson.
A Class Wiki Page will be used so students can brainstorm ideas of their opinions before and after lesson.
*please note: you do not need to use the StoryWorks article for this lesson. *please see attachment for resources.
Planning and Preparing for the Special Needs of Students
During the lesson, students who are identified as not meeting mastery level with text features and who are below grade level should receive additional support during whole group and activity allotted time.
Students with special needs will need the following accommodations: - Extra time - Shorter reading and writing assignment - Text should be based on their independent reading level - Have questions and text explained or read when requested - Provide audiotaped recording of text
Follow-Up Activity
After the lesson, students are paired accordingly by skill to complete a “Skills Practice” based on Author’s Perspective (and supporting standards). There are two Standards Practice packets (on level and below level). Below level performing students should work in a small group setting and receive additional support from teacher. The remaining on-grade level students should work in designated areas in the room with identified groups: heterogeneously grouped. These groups should be subject to change based on active data (test scores, etc.).
For the rest of the week, students should be exposed to a selection of informational text which will help students understand more about forming their own perspective based on textual evidence.
*see attachment for Skills Practice (2)
Comments |
The text used for this assignment can be any article or related story that the author forms their own opinion. StoryWorks is an excellent example because at the end of each seasoned volume, they offer a "debate" article that provides views from two sides. Students must be able to determine their own views based on evidence. as mentioned, you DO NOT need to use StoryWorks for this lesson plan- just make sure that your text includes evidence of an Author's Perspective. |
Cross-Curriculum Ideas |
Depending of the type of text used for this lesson, you can adapt many subject areas into this reading standard. For example, for advanced students- you may decide to choose a specific history article that is related to the opinions of World War I. |
Follow-Up |
The follow-up activity will be used at the end of the lesson to identify if students have changed their perspective from before the initial lesson. |
Materials: |
Projectors, Projector Screens, Digital Voice Recorders, Microphones, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Books, Web Page |
Other Items: |
25 Scholastic StoryWorks Subscription |