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Keywords: scientist, inventor, Tablet, QR code
Subject(s): Biology, Chemistry, Science, Physics
Grades 3 through 7
NETS-S Standard:
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Parkview Elementary, Fort Worth, TX
Planned By: Lindsay Foster
Original Author: Lindsay Foster, Fort Worth
OBJECTIVE: The student will use a tablet to scan QR codes and identify famous scientists and inventors based on clues given and will verify answers using a QR code.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I can identify famous scientists and inventors using my background knowledge and confirming using a QR code scanner and tablet.

Create QR code images for the following individuals: Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Thomas Edison, George Washington Carver, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Alexander Graham Bell, Issac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Johannes Guttenberg, Louis Pasteur, Eli Whitney, Francis Crick & James Watson, Jane Goodall, Stephen Hawking.

Create a set of flash cards with the description of the inventor or scientist on on one side and two names listed on the right. Place the QR code image with the name of the correct individual under the listed names.

Students read the clue and clip a clothespin on the name that they think fits the description. They then use a tablet with a QR code to scan the answer and see if it is correct.

Students will record the answers on a sheet or in a science journal creating a chart of inventors.

Information for Flash Cards:
Albert Einstein
German-born theoretical physicist.
This scientist’s work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science.
This scientist developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics.

Marie Curie
Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist
This scientists conducted pioneering research on radioactivity.

Thomas Edison
American inventor and businessman.
This inventor developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.

George Washington Carver
American botanist and inventor.
This scientist was born into slavery in Missouri, either in 1861, or January 1864.
This scientist worked with peanuts and developed many uses for peanut butter.

Bill Gates
American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, computer programmer, and inventor.
This inventor developed Microsoft.

Steve Jobs
American entrepreneur, marketer, and inventor
This inventor was the cofounder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc.

Alexander Graham Bell
Scottish-born scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator
This inventor is credited with inventing the first practical telephone.

Issac Newton
English physicist and mathematician
This scientist is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution.

Nikola Tesla
Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist
This scientist and inventor is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system.

Johannes Guttenberg
German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher
This inventor introduced printing to Europe.

Louis Pasteur
French chemist and microbiologist
This scientist is known for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization.

Eli Whitney
American inventor
This inventor is best known for inventing the cotton gin.

Francis Crick and James Watson
British molecular biologist, biophysicist, and neuroscientist and American molecular biologist, geneticist and zoologist
This pair is best known as one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA in 1953.

Jane Goodall
English primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, and UN Messenger of Peace
This scientist is known for her work with chimpanzees

Stephen Hawking
English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Science and writing integration
Create a class anchor chart. Research one of the scientists of inventors and give a presentation to the class as that person (Living Museum).
Materials: Wacom Tablets