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Keywords: School, Social studies, social skills, daily living skills
Subject(s): Social Studies, Social Skills, Autism, Early Learning, Special Needs, Speech and Language
Grades K through 3
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
View Full Text of Standards
School: Brookside Elementary School, Columbus, OH
Planned By: Alyssa Covey
Original Author: Alyssa Covey, Columbus
Academic Content Standards Addressed:
GVT.K2.3b Distinguish common school rules from common rules at home (e.g., listen to the teacher, bedtime).
SL.K2.1c Actively participate in conversation about grade-level/age-appropriate topics or text. • Actively listen to others. • Respond to a question.

Lesson Objective(s):
-Given an initial verbal cue, students will identify what school they go to and what grade they are in with 100% accuracy (middle functioning students will identify what school they go to and what grade they are in give picture icons and 2 choices using touch or verbalizations with 100% accuracy; lower functioning students will identify what school they go to and what grade they are in by matching picture icons given 2 choices using eyegaze or AAC device and switch with 100% accuracy).

-Review: I will review with students that everyone has to go to school and that we are in school right now.

-Statement of Objective(s) for Students: I will tell students that today we will be learning all about our school. We will be learning our school name, what grade we are in, what we do in school, and talking about the difference between rules at home and rules at school.

-Teacher Input: I will begin the lesson by asking and discussing with students the following:
We are in school. Does anyone know what school we go to? That’s right! We go to Brookside Elementary. Let’s say that together…. 1.2..3…. Brookside Elementary. During school we learn. That is what school is for, to learn. What is school for? 1..2…3… TO LEARN. All of us in this class are not in the same grade. Some of us our Kindergarteners, some of us are 1st graders, some of us are 2nd graders, and some of us are 3rd graders! Let’s figure out what grade we each are in! In our class 3rd graders are the oldest and Kindergarteners are the youngest. It’s important that the 3rd graders help the Kindergarteners know what to do.

-Guided Practice: I will guide students through an activity where they will find the number that matches the grade they are in. They then will find friends that have the same number. I will tell students that this means these friends are in the same grade as you. Next, I will guide students through an activity where we talk about home rules vs. school rules. We will go over our school rules again by singing the rules rap and talking about our classroom rules. Next, I will ask students what some rules are that they have at home. I will provide students with picture icons as needed for support. I will talk about some big differences: at school we have rules like listen to the teacher and walk in the hallway and at home we have rules like bedtime is at 9:00 and you must make your bed. Students will then be guided to state whether the rules they have at home are the same or different than the ones we have at school using same/different picture icons.

DIFFERENTIATION: I will provide differentiated assessments corresponding to the differentiated learning target to students based on ability level (examples include middle functioning students identifying what school they go to and what grade they are in give picture icons and 2 choices using touch or verbalizations with 100% accuracy; lower functioning students idebtifying what school they go to and what grade they are in by matching picture icons given 2 choices using eyegaze or AAC device with switch with 100% accuracy)

-Independent Practice: Students will answer 1:1 what school they go to and what grade they are in.

-Assessment: student responses to 1:1 questioning

-Evaluation: I will evaluate the lesson and whether or not it was effective based on the accuracy of the student responses. If 5/9 students meet the objective, I will consider the lesson effective.
We will be utilizing the above budgeted items to allow our students with moderate to severe disabilities to better access the general education curriculum. These above items will be utilized to not only meet individual student IEP goals, but also in each lesson taught throughout the school year in order for students to effectively communicate and engage in the lesson.
Materials: Autism, Cause and Effect, Early Learning, Switch Software, Speech and Language, Hardware Devices
Other Items: 1 Enablemart Bluetooth Switch, $187.00 each, total of $187.00
1 Enablemart SLAT, $233 each, total of $233.00
1 Enablemart Powerlink, $244 each, total of $244.00
1 AMDI Tech 4 AMDI, $264.69 each, total of $264.69
1 Enabling Devices Object Board Lapboard, $173.85 each, total of $173.85
1 Enablemart Supertalker Progressive Communicator, $361.99 each, total of $361.99
1 HelpKidzLearn Subscription, $85 each, total of $85.00
1 Enabling Devices CD interrupter, $56.95 each, total of $56.95
1 Enabling Devices Bladeless Fan, $71.95 each, total of $71.95
2 Battery Interrupters, $37.95 each, total of $75.90