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Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills for Special Education Students

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Keywords: Language Skills, Listening Skills, Speaking Skills
Subject(s): Social Skills, Spelling, Technology, Autism, Early Learning, Special Needs, Writing, Speech and Language, English/Language Arts
Grades K through 1
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Liestman Elementary, Houston , TX
Planned By: Melyssa Thompson
Original Author: Melyssa Thompson , Houston
Subject: ELA Grade Level: Kindergarten Time Estimate: 30 minutes

Unit: Transportation Topic: Listening and Speaking/Listening

TLW know different forms of transportation; cars, buses, bicycles and trains.

TLW recall different modes of transportation.
TLW discuss with their group the different modes of transportation.
TLW construct different modes of transportation on in their journal.

Materials/Resources/Technology needs:
The Big Book of Transportation by Caroline Bingham.
Video (We All Go Traveling By via You Tube by Barefoot Books)
Overhead Projector

Focusing Event:
The teacher will gather the students in a large group to read the book, The Big Book of Transportation by Caroline Bingham. Teacher will ask the students to name each mode of transportation in the book.

Teaching/ Learning Procedures:
The teacher will bring out flashcards with various types of transportation such as; cars, bicycles, planes, and trains.
The teacher will give each group of children (4 to each group) various flashcards of transportation and have the students discuss the differences between each mode.
Technology Integration: The teacher will play a short video clip (We All Go Traveling By via You Tube by Barefoot Books) on transportation on the overhead projector for students before sending them to their seats to write in their journals.
The teacher will have the students return to their seats and take out their journal and draw and write about their favorite mode of transportation and why it is their favorite.

Formative Check (ongoing or specific):
The teacher will evaluate their journal entries to ensure that students are at the knowledge and comprehension stages of learning. Teacher will also ask each student about their journal entry and have the student summarize their journal entry.

Reteach (alternative used as needed):
Students who need additional support can cut out and paste different modes of transportation squares (off a worksheet) into their journal and trace the word below it.

The teacher can play a simple game with the children called; The Places I Go! The teacher will group the students together in same group from earlier large group time. While looking at various transportation pictures on the screen; the students can try and determine which vehicle is going to be shown next using various clues on the overhead projector.

Assessment/Summative Evaluation:
The teacher can assess the students’ knowledge by having the student identify each mode of transportation from a matching game. The student can match the mode of transportation to the vehicle in the picture.

Forstudents who need additional assistance, the teacher can have the student put together a jig saw puzzle of a bus. Children who need further assistance can draw a picture of a vehicle in their journal without writing any sentences.
Thank you for any and all help and support of my classroom.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
social studies, ela, peer collaboration, and team building
Students who need additional support can cut out and paste different modes of transportation squares (off a worksheet) into their journal and trace the word below it.
Materials: Mobile Labs, DVD/VCR Players, Social Studies, Early Learning, Integrating Technology, Autism, Speech and Language