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Chemical Reaction Demonstration

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Keywords: chemical reactions, equations, chemical equations, chemical demonstrations, synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, combustion
Subject(s): Chemistry, Science
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
View Full Text of Standards
School: Marion High School, Marion, AR
Planned By: Christina Bolden
Original Author: Christina Bolden, Marion
Teacher Preparations:
Set up all lab equipment and chemicals needed for each demonstration under a document camera.

Students will watch a short video explaining how to predict the products of a reaction.

All lab equipment will be set up under a document camera so that all students will be able to see the equipment, chemicals, and students will be able to observe the full reaction in detail. The camera will also be used to record the demonstrations. This recording will be posted to the teachers website so absent students can see the demonstrations. Student volunteers will help the teacher perform demonstrations for each type of reaction. Students will describe each demonstration by listing the equipment and chemicals that were used. They will also record what the reactants looked like before the reaction occurred.

Student volunteers performing the demonstrations will explain the steps they are using to produce the chemical reaction. Students will record what they observed while the reaction was taking place.

Students will write a shorthand version of each reaction in the form of a skeletal equation and a balanced equation. They will discuss their answers as a class to determine accuracy.

Formative: Students will construct a graphic organizer depicting how to determine the products of a chemical equation for the five types of reactions.

Summative: Students will be given five different chemical equations. They will label each equation with which type of reaction it represents. They will also be given five chemical equations that contain only the reactants. Students must predict the products and balance the equations.
All safety procedures and chemical disposal methods will be followed.
Materials: Whiteboards, Video Cameras, Projectors, Video Tools, Flash/USB Drives, Science, High, Worksheets, Screen Capture, Internet Services, Student Resources
Other Items: 3 erlenmeyer flask, $2.45 each, total of $7.35
1 watch glass, $4.95 each, total of $4.95
1 sodium chloride .1M, $5.60 each, total of $5.60
1 silver nitrate .1M, $37.10 each, total of $37.10
1 isopropyl alcohol 70%, $7.40 each, total of $7.40
1 magnesium ribbon, $10.70 each, total of $10.70
1 zinc metal, $23.55 each, total of $23.55
1 hydrochloric acid .1M, $6.05 each, total of $6.05
1 hydrogen peroxide 30%, $25.81 each, total of $25.81
1 potassium iodide .1M, $10.40 each, total of $10.40