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Exploring the cellular basis of life using real life object for project

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Keywords: Microtechnique and histology of cells
Subject(s): Biology
Grades 10 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Jasper County High School, Ridgeland, SC
Planned By: Mitchelle Perez
Original Author: Mitchelle Perez, Ridgeland
Title: Exploring the cellular basis of life
Inside the Cell

This lesson is intended to familiarize students with different categories of cells. Emphasis will be placed on the comparison and contrast of plant and animals cells and the structures within them.

Content Standard(s):
SC(9-12) Biology 4. Describe similarities and differences of cell organelles, using diagrams and tables.
Visual Arts: Level I 5. Demonstrate the use of traditional, digital, and multimedia techniques to create works of art.
Local/National Standards:
Source: National Academy of Sciences NS.9-12.3 Life Science

Primary Learning Objective(s):
Students will be able to differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and animal and plant cells. Students will be able to identify the organelles in eukaryotic cells and their functions.
Students will be able to manipulate and create a typical permanent mount of plant cells and investigate it under the digital microscope for further investigation

Additional Learning Objective(s):
Approximate Duration of the Lesson: 90 Minutes
Materials and Equipment:
Plant specimen
Human cheeck cells
Pond water
glass slides and cover slips

Technology Resources Needed:
Digital Microscopes and Accesories
Computer with Internet access LCD Projector Cell Overview
Cells Alive
Cells Alive Internet Lesson

Teacher should prepare materials for the poster cells project. Reserve computer lab (if necessary).

1.)Introduce Cells- Have students to review the characteristics of living things. Students should be reminded that cells are the basic unit of living things. Students need to define the vocabulary words associated with the cell-organelle, cell theory, prokaryote, eukaryote.

2.)Show students a picture of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Have them to note the differences. Give students examples of each type of cell. (prokaryote-bacteria; eukaryote-plant and animal)
Show students a picture of animal and plant cells. Have them to note the differences.

3.)Students will be given notes on the different categories of cells and the organelles within a eukaryotic cells. The teacher should discuss the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, plant and animal cells, and the role each organelle has inside the cell. Students can share the differences they observed.
(The Cell Overview)
Biology Corner provides a brief overview of cell structure and function.

4.)Give students time with a partner to compare the cell organelles to the functions of school personnel. Give students a time limit of no more than ten minutes. Allow students to share and explain their analogies with the class.

5.)Students use Cells Alive to complete the Internet lesson.

6.)If available, show video "Inside the Cell" from Teacher's Video Company. Allow students to individually view plant and animal cells (from real specimen given) and identify the organelles and their functions.

Learn cell biology and anatomy interactively .

7. Students create a permanent slide out of the plant specimens given. They will use a simple microtechnique skills to create a permanent slide of plant cells.

8.)Students construct poster cells in groups of three to four. Students should use the materials given to represent cell organelles. Display cells in the classroom.

9.)Play Biology Game Quest in USA Test Prep account as a review. The review games can be modified to

PBL Activity
Engage Students in In Depth Inquiry
Establish A Need to Know
Engage Students in In Depth Inquiry
structional content.

Assessment Strategies:
Student Self-check Quiz Cell Quiz-Give students pictures of plant and animal cells (attached) and have them to identify the numbered parts. Students will identify cell organelles. Cell Millionaire or Jeopardy-Students will associate functions with cell organelles.

Cell City Analogy
Comparing a Cell to a Factory
hope this grant will be accepted
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Demonstrate cell Concepts with technology and society

technology and science fit together seamlessly. Scientific innovation has been a driving force in societal change.

To put it in perspective for students, have them consider what life would be like without the internet, phones or electricity. Or what it would be like to look up at the cells and not know what they are.

it focus on scientific discoveries and technological advances during that time. Have students create a presentation that highlights one or more scientific innovations and how they effected society (both then and now).

To tie in current events, you can track the activities of the Mars Rover and its historic missing taking place right now. Check out video of Curiosity’s landing on our neighboring planet.

we will explore more on the mitosis and meiosis exploration of cells and bacteriology in water
Materials: Projectors, Camera/Video Accessories, Science, Hardware Devices
Other Items: 5 Have one to sell? Sell now OMAX 40X-2500X LED Digital Trinocular Lab Compound Microscope with 5MP Camera, $379.80 each, total of $1899.00
10 glass slides, $6.83 each, total of $68.30
10 100pcs 8-14mm Round Microscope Cover Glass Slide Cover Slips, $8.90 each, total of $89.00
10 OFF-SET COVER SLIP FORCEPS, $4.50 each, total of $45.00
5 lap top computer for attachment in the digital microscopes, $219 each, total of $1095.00