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Lights! Camera! Action!

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Keywords: Photography, Technology,
Subject(s): Photography, Video, Technology, Journalism
Grades 5 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: El Paso Country Day School, El Paso, TX
Planned By: Jodie Lujan
Original Author: Jodie Lujan, El Paso

I will share with students some of my favorite photographs. Students will also search online for 2 photographs that they feel are captivating.

Students will share what they notice from their photos what makes them visually strong and appealing.
What techniques have the photographers used to convey ideas, emotions, or information? Encourage students to notice the use of color, zoom functions, various angles and etc.

Discuss how students could take photos to document experiences to be able to share with the community and their school. Students are encouraged to be creative! Students ideas will be considered for documenting learning with photography and a project will be developed around their suggestions.

Students will be allowed to share and comment on each others photography.

An Extension Activity:
Students will be encouraged to keep a digital scrapbook of their learning throughout the year.
Students will be encouraged to take one photo for each project or major unit of study to compile them in a digital video. Students can use the pictures to make an imovie film strip mp3 video file. These video files can be added into the yearbook through code scanning applications such as Arasma.
Materials: Digital Cameras, Flash/USB Drives, Internet Services, Hardware Devices