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Animal Report

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Keywords: Animal Report, 30 Hands, iPad, Science
Subject(s): Technology, Science
Grades K through 1
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Research and Information Fluency
View Full Text of Standards
School: North Creek Academy, Walnut Creek, CA
Planned By: Michelle Kirkpatrick
Original Author: Michelle Kirkpatrick, Walnut Creek
Lesson 1
Objective: Students will observe their teacher and then demonstrate their abilities to search within a website for a desired topic by performing their first search using one of the approved websites. Students will also demonstrate their ability to use the 30 Hands application by adding the first slide to their presentation.
Instruction: Allow students to pick animals and approve them. The teacher will make sure that multiple students do not choose the same animal. This ensures that when it comes time to view the presentations the class is learning about a variety of different animals. This lesson will consist of me modeling how to search and find information on the various approved websites. The teacher will click on each website and read through the information. This will show them that some websites will have the information they are looking for and some will not. The teacher will also be modeling for them what to do when they find the information they need: write the answer down on the Animal Research page and bubble in the circle to show which website they found the information on.
Guided Practice: Teacher will pass out one iPad to each student. As a class, with the teacher on the whiteboard, students will click to open the internet. Students will see the 6 approved websites and 1 approved photo website pull up.
Independent Practice: Students will pick one website and search for their assigned animal. When done students will close out of the internet and open up the 30 Hands app. They will now add the first slide to their presentation. This will be an image of a zoo that all students will use for the first slide. It has been preloaded onto their iPads.
Formative Assessment: Were students able to correctly search and reach a page with information on their animal? Were the students able to add the first slide to their presentation?
Lesson 2
Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the body parts of their animal by researching and adding that information and a picture of it to their 30 Hands presentation.
Instruction: Teacher will remind students of how to find information. Students will each be given their own iPad and their Animal Research pages. Students will think of a name for their zoo and write it down on their paper. Students will then browse through the various websites to answer the essential question of what body parts your animal has. Students will write down the answer on the Animal Research page and bubble in what website they found it on. When students have collected the information they will search the approved image search website to find a picture that matches this information. They will add the photo to their 30 Hands presentation and place the cited source at the bottom of the picture.
Guided Practice: I will walk the class through how to search the websites for their animal by showing them on my interactive whiteboard and having them follow me on their iPads.
Independent Practice: Students will find the answer to the essential question, write down their answer on the Animal Research page (Attachment 1). They will also bubble in the website that they learned this information from. This will be completed individually with teacher assistance when necessary. When done with that students will search for an image to match this information and add it to their 30 Hands presentation. They will also place the web address of where they found the photo on the slide.
Formative Assessment: Observe student process of gathering information, recording it, and adding the picture to the presentation.
Lesson 3
Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of what food their animal eats by researching and adding that information and a picture of it to their 30 Hands presentation.
Instruction: Teacher will remind students of how to find information. Students will each be given their own iPad and their Animal Research pages. Students will browse through the various websites to answer the essential question of what food their animal eats. Students will write down the answer on the Animal Research page and bubble in what website they found it on. When students have collected the information they will search the approved image search website to find a picture that matches this information. They will add the photo to their 30 Hands presentation and place the cited source at the bottom of the picture.
Guided Practice: I will walk the class through how to search the websites for their animal by showing them on my interactive whiteboard and having them follow me on their iPads.
Independent Practice: Students will find the answer to the essential question, write down their answer on the Animal Research page (Attachment 2). They will also bubble in the website that they learned this information from. This will be completed individually with teacher assistance when necessary. When done with that students will search for an image to match this information and add it to their 30 Hands presentation. They will also place the web address of where they found the photo on the slide.
Formative Assessment: Observe student process of gathering information, recording it, and adding the picture to the presentation.
Lesson 4
Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of where their animal lives by researching and adding that information and a picture of it to their 30 Hands presentation.
Instruction: Teacher will remind students of how to find information. Students will each be given their own iPad and their Animal Research pages. Students will browse through the various websites to answer the essential question of where their animal lives. Students will write down the answer on the Animal Research page and bubble in what website they found it on. When students have collected the information they will search the approved image search website to find a picture that matches this information. They will add the photo to their 30 Hands presentation and place the cited source at the bottom of the picture. They will also place the web address of where they found the photo on the slide.
Guided Practice: I will walk the class through how to search the websites for their animal by showing them on my interactive whiteboard and having them follow me on their iPads.
Independent Practice: Students will find the answer to the essential question, write down their answer on the Animal Research page (Attachment 3). They will also bubble in the website that they learned this information from. This will be completed individually with teacher assistance when necessary. When done with that students will search for an image to match this information and add it to their 30 Hands presentation.
Formative Assessment: Observe student process of gathering information, recording it, and adding the picture to the presentation.
Lesson 5
Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of a special fact about their animal by researching and adding that information and a picture of it to their 30 Hands presentation.
Instruction: Teacher will remind students of how to find information. Students will each be given their own iPad and their Animal Research pages. Students will browse through the various websites to answer the essential of a special fact about their animal. Students will write down the answer on the Animal Research page and bubble in what website they found it on. When students have collected the information they will search the approved image search website to find a picture that matches this information. They will add the photo to their 30 Hands presentation and place the cited source at the bottom of the picture. They will also place the web address of where they found the photo on the slide.
Guided Practice: I will walk the class through how to search the websites for their animal by showing them on my interactive whiteboard and having them follow me on their iPads.
Independent Practice: Students will find the answer to the essential question, write down their answer on the Animal Research page (Attachment 4). They will also bubble in the website that they learned this information from. This will be completed individually with teacher assistance when necessary. When done with that students will search for an image to match this information and add it to their 30 Hands presentation.
Formative Assessment: Observe student process of gathering information, recording it, and adding the picture to the presentation.
Lesson 6
Objective: Students will be able to add their written information to their presentation by recording their voice in the 30 Hands app and complete the presentation.
Instruction: Students will need to add their voice to each of the slides on their presentation. The first slide will be the name of their zoo and what animal they will be presenting. The second slide will be about what body parts their animal has. The third slide will be what their animal likes to eat. The fourth slide will be about where their animal lives. The fifth slide will be a special fact about their animal. Students will access each slide, press the red record button, speak their answer, and press the stop button when finished. When finished with this students will use their creativity to create the last slide. The last slide will signal the end of the presentation.
Guided Practice: The teacher will model how to add voice using her own 30 Hands presentation. Students will all do a practice run on their first slide. When finished they will delete the audio so that it is ready for independent practice.
Independent Practice: Students will find their own spot in the room to sit and record their voice for their presentation. They will also create a slide for their ending.
Formative Assessment: Were the students able to add their voice to the presentation by using the information recorded on their Animal Research pages?
Materials: Whiteboards, Computer Accessories, Elementary
Other Items: 16 iPads