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Fractions, Decimals and Percents

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Keywords: Math, Document Camera, Low Income School
Subject(s): Writing, Math
Grades 3 through 4
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Miltonvale Elementary School, Miltonvale, KS
Planned By: Jennifer Rozean
Original Author: Jennifer Rozean, Miltonvale
We will approach this topic by first going back through what they already know about fractions and decimals. From there we will build upon previous knowledge. No new terms will be introduced to make this transition a bit easier.
First I will model under the ELMO how to shade in on a unit square 2 out of 10 columns. Then I will ask the students how many columns do we have? The answer is 10 and that will become our denominator. Then we will look at how many we shaded in which will be 2 and that becomes the numerator. Our fraction is now 2/10. Let’s say this out loud. 2-two, 10-tenths. Now let’s look at how we would write that as a decimal. We have a tenths place value. Can you all tell me how many places to the right of the decimal the tenths place is?-One is the answer. Very good! How many tenths did we say we had in our fraction? TWO! Great! So we write that as decimal point two-.2
Now let’s try some for you to do with your desk partner. ( 15 minutes)
I will have students work with their desk partner and give each other an amount to shade in of columns. Next they will give me the fraction they have shaded in and then they will convert it to a decimal. They will each do 2 different ones. I will go around the room and check with students for understanding of the concept of changing fractions to decimals. I will ask each student to say their decimal aloud to me to make sure they are reading them correctly and say the tenths place and not the tens place. (15 minutes)
After students work in partners I will give the students a fraction on the whiteboard and have them shade it in on their practice sheet. I will go around and check for understanding and choose a student at random to say it aloud for me. We will do 3 more problems independently with me checking constantly for understanding. (15minutes)
We will go back over what we learned for the day and I will assign a worksheet for them to do for homework that night. Students will need to receive 5/7 correct to show understanding and pass. If students are struggling I will sign them up for our after school program and do reteach exercises with them in a more one on one setting.
(5 minutes)
Students will receive direct instruction from me at the beginning of class as we first go over the new lesson. From there we will move into partners which is more cooperative learning and from there into individual practicing and finally homework
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Learning decimals, fractions and percent will help prepare them for not only the math to come but also for Consumer math so they are able to budget their responsibilities and see the cost breakdown of an item.
We will review these terms and practice throughout the year on fractions, percents and decimals so that we know them on a deeper level of understanding.
Materials: Digital Cameras
Other Items: 1 ELMO or Document Camera DC-13, $600.00 each, total of $600.00