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Utopian Society

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Keywords: digital presentation, reading
Subject(s): Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 7 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
View Full Text of Standards
School: Hampshire Unit School, Hampshire, TN
Planned By: Stephenie Page
Original Author: Stephenie Page, Hampshire
Day 1: The teacher will introduce the idea of a utopian society. Youtube is a wonderful reference to pull some examples of past and present utopian societies.

Day 2: Students will be given a checklist of items to include in their presentation: Who, what, when, where? Who is involved in your society. What will be the focus of your community and what will people do to make a living? When will you utopian society happen (you may set it in the future)? Where will your utopia be located? Students will use the internet to research different Utopian Ideas.

Day 3-4: Students will work to produce a digital product in a variety of methods: Powerpoint, sway, prezi, paper slides, video, podcast, website, etc.

Day 5: Students will present utopian societies to the class.

Materials: Whiteboards, Networked Projectors, Printers, Flash/USB Drives, Keyboards, Headsets, Reading, Middle, Slideshow, Clip Art, Screen Capture, Animation, Video Tools, Student Resources