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The ABC's of Winter

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Keywords: ABC's of Winter
Subject(s): Special Needs, Technology
Grades K through 4
NETS-S Standard:
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
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School: Hampshire Unit School, Hampshire, TN
Planned By: Joy McBroom
Original Author: Joy McBroom, Hampshire
1. During our short winter months, students will search and read books about winter, including winter activities, winter words, and winter animals.

2. Students will use a tablet to take photos on our school campus of winter-related winter pictures. Examples-A is for arctic, B is for below zero, C is for chilly, D is for down coat.

3. After photos are edited, the students will arrange and insert photos into a folder to be made into a video and paper slide.

4. The video and paper slide will be shared with other classes in the school.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This activity can be utilized in science to learn about animals and social studies to learn about map and map skills.
Materials: Point and Shoot, Batteries
Other Items: 1 tripod, $30.00 each, total of $30.00
1 digital camera, $100.00 each, total of $100.00
2 batteries, $15.00 each, total of $30.00