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Keywords: keyboarding
Subject(s): Technology
Grade P-K
NETS-S Standard:
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Henry T Gage Middle School, Huntington Pk, CA
Planned By: Paul Rallion
Original Author: Paul Rallion, Huntington Pk
1. Anticipatory Set
- Focus/Transfer: Students may be fast texters, but, are they fast typists as well?
- Objective: Students will learn keyboarding, the correct way to type.
- Purpose: To comply with Computer Technology Standard # 6: Design, develop, publish, and present products (e.g. Web pages) using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts to audiences inside and outside the classroom.

2. Instruction
QWERTY Keyboard Layout
- The current keyboard layout was designed by Christopher Sholes, the father of the typewriter. It became popular with the Remington typewriter in the 1870’s. The QWERTY keyboard layout prevents keys from jamming when two keys are typed one right after the other.

- Keyboarding is the ability to enter text by using the correct fingers without looking at the keys –one of the most useful computer skills! Place you fingers over the home row keys:
a, s, d, f, (left hand), ---- j, k, l, ; (right hand).
All keystrokes are made from this position. After a keystroke is made, the finger returns to the home row. Sit up straight and lean forward slightly. Your body should be a forearm’s length from the front of the keyboard. An online course I recommend is: www.goodtyping.com.

International Keyboard Set Up (to type accents and ñ’s):  
- For Windows: Control Panel > Clock, Language, Region > Regional & Language Options > Change Keyboards or other input methods > Change Keyboards > General tab: Select English (United States) - United States - International. Click Ok.
To type an accent: type the ’ key and then the letter. To type the ñ, type the ~ key and then the n.
- For Mac: Press and hold the Option key + the letter e key, then type the letter you wish accented. For ñ, press and hold the Option key + the letter n key, then type the letter n again.

Avoiding Physical Injury:
- To reduce the effect of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, learn to use the mouse with BOTH hands, and alternate between them every few months. It may seem hard at first, but it’s worth trying.
- To avoid eye fatigue, take visual breaks. Look at and focus for a few seconds on a distant object (as far as you can) and then turn to look at something close for a few seconds. Repeat.

3. Guided Practice
- Teacher reviews the way to type correctly, both posture and finger position on the keyboard.
- Activity: Have students work in pairs. The student on the left starts typing, while the person on the right covers his/her hands. Have students switch after 5 or 6 minutes.

4. Closure
- Students take quiz on typing posture and finger position.

5. Independent Practice
- Homework: Students fill in a blank keyboard printed on a page with the correct keys.

Source: My COMPUTeachER, The Computer Book for Everyone. Get your copy at www.PaulRallion.com

Materials: Keyboards