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Digital Citizenship and Safety

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Keywords: Digital Citizenship, Internet safety, Information literacy
Subject(s): Information Skills, Technology
Grades K through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: Dutchtown Elementary School, Hampton, GA
Planned By: Janet Youmans
Original Author: Janet Youmans, Hampton
Digital Citizenship Lesson Plans
Internet Safety and privacy-(K-5)
Show the McGruff video to the students
Discuss the importance of not giving information out to strangers. Do not give personal information out to the people you are on line with as you do not know who they are or how old they are. They could be an adult and pretend to be a child.

Security- (K-5)
Speak to students about accounts and passwords. Go over their school student accounts and what they have access to. Explain why we keep passwords private and why we never want to give someone access to our accounts other than their parents.

Information Literacy (K-5)
Show the students a website about the tree octopus that looks like a legitimate website and ask them about the site. (This site is not a real website and information on it is not real.) Then discuss how you need to look at the site closely and you need to see who created the site to know if they are knowledgeable about the subject and even then you have to know that someone can say they are an expert or state qualifications that are not true.
Show students Galileo which is a database of sites that have been authenticated and are done by experts. We talk about how they should verify information from 2 or 3 sources to make sure it is correct.

Copyright (2-5)
Talk about: Giving credit to your resources. Doing a Bibliography. Not using music that you don’t have permission to use and using copyright free music in your projects. Talk about what plagiarism is and how you need to take the information you get and put it in your own words. Talk to them about why we don’t use someone else’s work and about intellectual copyright.

Cyber bullying and Digital foot print (4-5)
Talk about things in writing that will live forever. That whatever you put out there can be used against you in court, to keep you from going to college, to keep you from getting a job. That using something like a phone to send messages to people to make them feel bad is just as bad as bullying someone face to face. That bullying is something that can get you into trouble where you can lose computer at school or you could lose your internet or phone service from your provider as well as you could be in legal trouble.
Our school has 730 students so we would need 3 kits. If I get the grant for one kit then we could use fundraising money for the other kits if that is all we are granted.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Having teachers help with these lessons using the kits as well.
Links: Digital Citizenship
Materials: Literacy
Other Items: 3 Digital Citizenship kits, $199.00 each, total of $597.00