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Comparing and Contracting modern and colonial children

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Keywords: colonial, modern, compare, constrast,
Subject(s): Social Studies, Spelling, Grammar, Writing, History, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 2 through 4
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
View Full Text of Standards
School: Acadamie Davinci, Dunedin, FL
Planned By: Karen Swain
Original Author: Karen Swain, Dunedin
• Students will be able to identify the differences and similarities between children from ''modern' and 'colonial' life.
• Students will be able to record their information on a Venn Diagram.
• Students will be able to write a complete paragraph using information from their Venn Diagram.
• 18 Venn Diagrams
• Pencils with erasers
• Projector and screen/whiteboard
• Computer
• Internet connection
• pictures and diagrams featuring children in 'modern' and 'colonial' life
• Access to YouTube
Set up:
Lesson Day 1
1. Gather materials (see above)
2. Discuss with students why and how we use graphic organizers, and ask students to recall a time that they have used a Venn Diagram.
Give examples of comparing and contrasting.
3. Show diagrams and pictures of children in 'modern' and 'colonial' life
3. Instruct students to follow steps to complete a Venn Diagram
4. Pass out pencils to students
5. Pass out Venn Diagrams to students
6. Instruct students to list five examples for each category on the Venn Diagram: differences for Modern Life, differences for Colonial Life, similarities for both
7. Encourage and allow students to work in groups
Lesson Day 2:
1. Review yesterday's activity of completing the Venn Diagram
3. Discuss and share differences and similarities of children in 'modern' life vs. children in 'colonial' life
4. Review the writing process for comparing and contrasting
5. Allow students time to complete a rough draft in class
6. Instruct students to go back and edit and revise rough draft before writing a final copy
Day 3
1. Students will share their writing with the class.
• Grade writing journal with rubric created by teacher. (Day 1)
• Grade presentation with rubric created by teacher. (Day 3)

• Allow ESOL and students with disabilities to work with partner.
• Grade using alternate rubric made by teacher.
• Allow hearing and listening devices and captioned video.
• Provide visual guide of steps of procedure.
• Allow student to work alone if uncomfortable working in a group.
• GIFTED students should include 7 different ways that they compared and contrasted modern and colonial life for children.
You will need pictures and diagrams from the internet, or books to show to students on the projector. The pictures should feature everyday children from colonial and modern life.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Life in Colonial Days unit, read Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder, visit historical park/living museum in your area.
Links: Link to Williamsburg Website
Materials: Whiteboards, Portable
Other Items: 18 pencils, $.02 each, total of $0.36
18 copies of Venn Diagram, $.05 each, total of $0.90