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Technology Time Capsule

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Keywords: Electronic Portfolio
Subject(s): Information Skills, Photography, Social Studies, Spelling, Technology, Geography, Grammar, Dyslexia, Journalism, Special Needs, Writing, History, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 3 through 4
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Jenkins White Elem School, Augusta, GA
Planned By: Carol Bennett
Original Author: Carol Bennett, Augusta
Day 1:
The teacher will read to the students the story called "Diary of a Spider." This will lead into a discussion about how the story was written, it was a written diary of what the spider did daily. This will then allow the teacher to give a detailed explanation of what the students will be doing throughout the school year and how they will document what they do in class. It will just take a twist in that they will be doing it electronically instead of writing it.
Day 2:
Students will go to the computer lab and be refreshed on the proper way to login to the computer and what internet safety rules they must follow. Students will then log into their computer and follow the teachers rules as they research how to create an electronic portfolio.

Day 3:
Students will work in the classroom on their class work and will begin creating a folder to hold their paper work that they will use in their portfolio. Students will use the digital camera and or iPad to take pictures of their work and keep it until they go to the lab on Friday to load it onto their flash drive.

Day 4:
The students will begin working on their class work and get their flash drive, label it, and then proceed to log into a computer and set up the drive with folders that they will use to store their work. Then the teacher will collect their drives and place them in a specified area.

Day 5:
Students will go to the computer lab and upload two to three pieces of work that they wish to document. They will then write an explanation detailing what standard they worked on, their grade and how they felt about the lesson.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Students will incorporate the use of technology, writing, editing skills, reading, and group work in this project. Students will document their weekly classwork by taking pictures and uploading them onto a flash drive that will document their academic progress throughout the year.
Students will continu this when they go into the upcoming grade.
Materials: Video Tools, Flash/USB Drives, Reading, Literacy, Elementary, Social Studies, Cause and Effect, Early Learning, Dyslexia
Other Items: 60 Flash drives- 8gb, $3.54 each, total of $212.40
1 Digital camera Olympus , $279.00 each, total of $279.00
1 iPad 128 gb silver , $499.00 each, total of $499.00