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Technology social studies reading and language arts to special needs students using technology

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Keywords: Teaching reading to special needs students with technology, language arts, voting, mimioboard, special needs, exceptional student education, technology
Subject(s): Social Studies, Spelling, Technology, Autism, Early Learning, Grammar, Special Needs, Writing, Speech and Language, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades K through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Nova Blanche Forman Elem Sch, Davie, FL
Planned By: Toni Trifeletti
Original Author: Toni Trifeletti, Davie
During this lessson students will be introduced to and be read an electronic book based on grade level social studies standards. After listening to and watching the electronic book presentation, students will be given comprehension questions . With the minions student voting system, children will provide the answers to these questions. The student who obtains the most points during this activity will be able to pick the next book that we will read as an incentive.

Students will also be asked to put pictures from the story in chronilogical order using the interactive mimio board and pen.

Our follow up activity will deal with sentence grammar. Given words in isolation, the students will be using the interactive board and pen to put words (from our reading) into sentences, making certain that the order of these words are grammatically correct.

The possibilities for lessons using the mimioboard bundle are endless and have been especially effective for students with special needs.
My wishlist contains mimio bundle needed for this lesson and many other lessons I have planned to use with this system
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Lessons can be used to integrate all subject areas
Follow up activity possibilities are numerous . One follow up activity idea is contained within the lesson plan.
Materials: Whiteboards, Pen Readers, English/Language Arts, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Social Studies, Early Learning, Books, Games, Integrating Technology, Autism, Speech and Language, Hardware Devices
Other Items: 1 Mimioboard bundle with 24 student voting system