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Vocabulary Videos

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Keywords: Vocabulary Development, Video Making, English Development, ESL, Script Writing, and Acting
Subject(s): Art, Social Studies, Video, Spelling, Grammar, Writing, Drama, Music, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Bell Senior High School, Bell, CA
Planned By: Georgia Paschalidis
Original Author: Georgia Paschalidis, Bell
Students will…
• learn how to work collaboratively in diverse groupings;
• take Cornell notes to foster learning and understanding of video terminology;
• research assigned vocabulary, its part of speech, sentence usage, as well as any
multiple meanings;
• write a short 3-5 minute script(s) to be performed that demonstrates word’s meaning(s);
• learn and teach vocabulary through videography
• give each other feedback on effectiveness and clarity of word’s meaning
• will edit video (if necessary) to be shown at the end of the year at a school-wide
1. Students will research the part of speech (P.O.S.) of a word and learn how to utilize
the word appropriately to its P.O.S.
2. Students will consider multiple meanings of the word and brainstorm different
scenarios for each meaning of the word.
3. Students will consider a catchy or engaging way to portray word and its meaning in a
4. Students will write a script that must be reviewed by instructor.
5. Students may integrate music and any special effects to make their video more
6. Students will assign roles and shoot the vocabulary video.
7. Students will edit video.
8. Students will show video to class.
9. Other students will complete a critique and suggestions sheet.
10. Students will make any editing or revisions on their own time.
11. Students will showcase their work at the end of the year in an assembly.
As far as I know, the grant only provides one video camera. Ideally, it work better if we had two or three.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
These activities can also be done in collaboration with history/government AND the theater department.
The follow-up activity would be students evaluating and critiquing the work of their peers. Groups going back and revising and editing videos and getting them ready for end of the year video show.
Materials: Camera/Video Accessories
Other Items: 1 GoPro HERO 4 Silver Action Camera , $399.99 each, total of $399.99