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Novel Study of Tears of a Tiger by Sharon Draper

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Keywords: Interactive Reading
Subject(s): Technology, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 9 through 10
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Antioch High School, Antioch, TN
Planned By: Keisha Morrow
Original Author: Keisha Morrow, Antioch
Summative Assessment (How will students demonstrate mastery at the end of the lesson)
Choose a prompt on Blendspace:
1. Students will have the choice to write an unsent letter to a character of their choice that includes an analysis of the events in the text and what the character should do in the future.
2. Students will write an analysis of character of their choice that includes how the character changed through the course of the novel and write a concluding statement.

Learning Progression of Concepts and Skills (Learning Targets)
In which order will the concepts and skills be taught during this lesson?

• Daily Bell ringers/ Summarize the last chapter that was read.
• Have students become familiar with Blendspace.com
• Give each class time to join by providing respective class codes
• Hand out copies of Sharon Draper’s Tears of a Tiger
• Have students complete before reading activities, including anticipation guide on Blendspace.com
• Discuss anticipation guide responses
• Explain to students that the slides are sequential, they must complete one before moving on to the next
• Explain that after bell ringer, each group should spend the first 20 minutes reading the novel
• Around third day, or when students have completed reading chapter 3, they will view Screen-o-matic character motivation video as their lecture taking three column notes in notebook
• Set students out in completing remaining assignments on Blendspace.com checking in periodically.
• Comprehension quiz can be completed by students after day six or chapter six
• Spot teach to help students clear up misconceptions
• Remind students that we will have Socratic Seminars throughout the study of the novel over all questions in Blendspace.com and the essential question

Materials: Whiteboards, Flip Video, Printers, English/Language Arts