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Student-created digital portfolios

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Keywords: digital portfolios, chromebooks, art, project, technology, innovation
Subject(s): Art, Technology
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Truman Middle School, St Louis, MO
Planned By: kristi ponder
Original Author: kristi ponder, St Louis
Step 1 : clear learning targets - AFL
Learning Objective: I can organize and develop my ideas to complete a design.
Highlight which Learning Target(s) that you will be focusing on for this design.
● I can develop an art plan that reflects my life and/or my learning.
● I can design multiple ideas (sketching, writing, researching, discussing) before
starting my final copy.
● I can analyze ideas/concepts and identify reasons why one is more effective than
● I can examine my idea and add and/or subtract objects/items in order to more
effectively relate a meaningful idea, theme or concept.
● I can self evaluate and adjust the idea/concept in my art while I am creating.
● I can explore and experiment with a variety of techniques and media to express my
idea/concept within an artwork.

Step 2 : questions that guide students to self assessment and goal setting
-What is your plan for demonstrating mastery of one or more of the targets for this artwork?
-Did you master one of the learning targets for this design?
-How did you master it, or why were you not able to master it? (10 points)
-What will you do on the next design to make sure that you master that target? (10 points)

Step 3: Providing feedback using “growth mindset”
How did you master it, or why were you not able to master it? (10 points)
I mastered it by realizing that the original design I was going to use was
going to be too complex for me to accomplish. -10 Good thinking and planning!
Pick one of the systems thinking skills on the back wall.
Unintended consequences
What did you do that used that systems thinking skill? (10 points)
I needed to re-evaluate the design I used to improve the final product.
What were your unintended consequences? What happened that you didn't plan on happening?

Step 4: Giving students time to modify their responses based on feedback, and/or ask questions
After each project, they are given a day to modify or ask questions based on my feedback.

Step 5: Having students reflect on their learning throughout the semester
On the final project, students are going to have to pick learning targets that they mastered throughout the semester and explain HOW they mastered them. They will also have to explain one skill that they learned in design class that will help them in real life.

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
All of their art projects are cross curricular. These google site will allow students to post artwork throughout their middle school and high school career.
Materials: Mobile Labs
Other Items: 28 Lenovo 500e Chromebook, $310.00 each, total of $8680.00