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Keywords: Powtoon, Camtasia, Technology
Subject(s): Social Studies, Social Skills, History
Grades 10 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Research and Information Fluency
View Full Text of Standards
School: Morgan City Senior High School, Morgan City, LA
Planned By: Robin Mason
Original Author: Robin Mason, Morgan City
I will have previously used Camtasia to create a screencast with directions for a Powtoon assignment. I will show them in the screencast how to do different things to their Powtoon assignment. The beginning of class, all my students will get on their blackboard class and view the Screencast done with Camtasia. This will allow them to reference it even when they are at home or if they were absent for the initial day that we started the lesson. Then the students will be given topics for Powtoon assignment. They will embed their voice into the presentation. This will allow students to present their assignments without being infront of the class. Powtoon will be able to be accessed at home to get students that are absent a chance to catch up. These students would also be able to use this program for other classes as well for presentations. This would allow them a chance to get away from always doing PowerPoints and Prezis as the only presentations.
Camtasia could also be used to create review or assignments for when students have a substitute. Powtoon could be used for other classes, reviews, or to introduce students to new materials.
Links: Camtasia Link
Powtoon Link
Materials: Mobile Labs, Computer Accessories, Social Studies
Other Items: 1 Set of 90 for a class set of Powtoon, $192 each, total of $192.00
1 Camtasia, $249 each, total of $249.00