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Transition Planning-Technology in Professions

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Keywords: Transition Planning/Health Magnet Profession
Subject(s): Information Skills, Special Needs, Reading
Grades 9 through 10
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
View Full Text of Standards
School: North Forsyth High School, Winston Salem, NC
Planned By: Miranda Jones
Original Author: Miranda Jones, Winston Salem
Transition Planning Portfolios

Standard: 9-10.SL.5 Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.

SWBAT (Student will be able to):
-strategically use digital media to research potential careers, specifically health-related fields
-use digital media in presentation about various careers in the health/science field eg. Certified Nursing Assistant, Certified Medical Assistant, Nursing, etc
-demonstrate an understanding of the role of technology in careers, specifically health-related fields
-create a portfolio to be used with their respective Transition Plans

I will introduce students to the Nursing Career Modules on http://www.virtualjobshadow.com
I will have students complete the online student inventory to collect data about their career interests.
I will have students begin their research on careers, more specifically health-related careers to aid in the completion of their Transition Planning portfolios

I will model how students are to sign in, utilize the surveys, and begin research.

Students will demonstrate proficiency by completing the student inventory
Students will demonstrate proficiency by researching a specified health-related career
Students will use the Career Module to begin a portfolio

-Some student will be able to use various websites outside of the module, particularly those which are more audio based
-Students will be given a printed copy of directions for using the module as well as QR codes for accessing specific websites

Instructional Strategies:
Universal Design for Learning-Interactive Notetaking & Oral Presentation
I have two Study Skills classes. One class has 17 students. The other class has 13 students. The request is for 17 laptops with the hopes that they can be used between classes whereas the Flash/USB drives needs to be per student. Additionally, while my school has access the laptops, they are poorly maintained and we don't have enough per teacher per class.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Math-particularly IEP goals
Science-North Forsyth is a healh-science magnet class
Portfolio and IEP goal monitoring
Class website
Materials: Auditorium, Flash/USB Drives
Other Items: 17 Laptops/Chromebooks, $179.99 each, total of $3059.83
30 Flash/USB Drives, $5.00 each, total of $150.00