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Mock Congressional Hearings

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Keywords: Mock Congressional Hearing, active research and presentations.
Subject(s): Civics, Social Studies, Geography, History
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: St Catherine School, Kapaa, HI
Planned By: Brad Williamson
Original Author: Brad Williamson, Kapaa

Mock Congressional Hearings to reinvigorate our 1:1 learning programs and the technology that powers it.

Students use chromebooks in all of their subjects each and every day. Lessons are tailored to be accessible both on and offline.Both core and elective studies benefit immensely from this program. This has allowed us, as a small and niche school, to maintain a strong academic foothold that prepares students for the transition into high school. We greatly reflect the spirit and personality of the islands with a large native Hawaiian student population as well as students from many varied backgrounds.

The rigorous student section calls upon a myriad of skills: cooperation, research, writing and presentation. As such devices such as Chromebooks are essential to make this process as seamless as possible. With these devices students can successfully work in groups, exchange ideas, format each part of the essay, and deliver a strong presentation. A ‘bank’ of Chromebooks would ensure that each student group have adequate materials to complete. Due to natural disasters (hurricanes, storms, volcanic fog), and fluctuating temperature and humidity over the year our chromebook population has been diminished.

Thank you for helping us reach parity levels again and allowing us to complete a high value subject goal.
Over the last year the weather- in the form of hurricanes, humidity, floods and fluctuating temperatures have played havoc on our chromebooks, and by extension our 1:1 program. Devices have failed, batteries have swelled and keyboard keys have become unresponsive. As small, but dynamic school it is harder to replace such items in bulk.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
The Writing process- persuasive essays.
Public speaking.
Presentation followed by immediate grading and reflection. (6 minute presentation, 4 minutes of questions) Devices then become a part of the classroom experience. The hearings are a central part of our US Civics and history courses.
Materials: Whiteboards, Middle School, Keyboards, Mice, Bags and Cases
Other Items: 10 Asus 202e Chromebooks- or similar (new), $220 each, total of $2200.00