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Family HIstories Alive!

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Keywords: cross-curricular, Writing, Technology, Social Studies, ISTE, video
Subject(s): Video, Social Studies, Writing
Grades 2 through P-K
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
View Full Text of Standards
School: City Language Immersion Charter, Los Angeles, CA
Planned By: Rosa Manzo
Original Author: Rosa Manzo, Los Angeles
Grade Level: 2nd grade

Learning Outcomes

-Students will gain an understanding of the history of their family by interviewing a family member with the use of a GoPro Camera.

-Students will gain an understanding of their family by tracing the history of their family by narrating (curating) a series of family photos.

-Students will be able to explain the significance of a family heirloom or artifact.


ISTE Standards
3c. Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.

Social Studies Standards
2.1.1. Trace the history of a family through the use of primary and secondary sources, including artifacts, photographs, interviews, and documents.

Writing Standards
Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.

Big Idea/Enduring question(s)

Why are family stories important?
What information do artifacts and heirlooms say about people that possess them?

Learning Plan:

Week 1:
1. Share with parents, Family Histories Alive! giving them instructions, rubric and next steps for helping their child prepare by finding family photos and a family heirloom/artifact.

1a. In class, students will learning about narration, which will be modeled in various ways, including a teacher writing sample, guided writing, shared writing and independent writing.

1b. Students will use family photos to narrate who, what, where, when, and why in response to family photos. The teacher will provide scaffolds such as sentence frames for writing, and word bank with verbs in the past tense.

1c. Students will take turns narrating family photos while recording their photos and narration from their point of view with a GoPro camera.

Week 2
2. Students will be introduced to questioning. The teacher will model how to ask meaningful questions, share his/her Family Histories Alive! and students will prepare the questions they will ask their family at home.

2a. The teacher will provide scaffolds such as sentence frames for questions and a question bank.

2b. Students will take questions home and conduct interviews at home with the support of parents.

Week 3

3. Students will learn about artifacts and heirlooms by focusing the question: What information do artifacts and heirlooms say about people that possess them? The teacher shares a family heirloom/artifact and tells why it is important to his/her and her family.

3a. Once all students have the resources to begin their recording at home, students will be assigned a day of the week to take the GoPro home with them, to be returned the day after.

Final Project presentation:

Once all students have recorded their family histories, curated/narrated family photos, and reflected on an heirloom/artifact the teacher will edit each interview and prepare it for presentation at the Family Histories Alive! Film Festival. Parents will be invited to see their finished product and to appreciate the family histories of other students in the class.

Family Histories Alive! Rubric
4-exceeds expectations
3-meets expectations
2-developing towards meeting expectations


4-The interview clearly demonstrates the use of thoughtful questioning to bring out family stories and traditions.

3-The interview demonstrates the use of questioning to bring out family stories and traditions.

2-The interview demonstrates the use of some use of questioning to bring out family stories and traditions.

1-The interview demonstrates the no use of questioning to bring out family stories and traditions.


4-The narration of family photos and heirloom is clear and consistent. The narration is told in past tense. There are no grammatical errors.

3-The narration of family photos and heirloom is consistent throughout. The narration is told in past tense. There are a few grammatical errors. These errors do not interfere with meaning.

2-The narration of family photos and/or heirloom is inconsistent throughout. Past tense is not used consistently in the narration. There are significant grammatical errors and some interfere with meaning.

1-Inconsistent narration. Correct tense not used. There are many errors that make meaning ambiguous.

Technology Use

4-Effective use of technology. Presentation played clearly throughout.

3-Presentation played consistently without major issues.

2-The presentation was inconsistent. A few minor issues.

1- Inconsistent presentation; major issues.

Total Grade

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This lesson plan integrates social studies and writing.
Materials: Camera/Video Accessories, Hi-Def Camcorder
Other Items: GoPro Camera, $399.00 each