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Greetings, Introductions, and Farewells in Spanish. Page Views: 1066
Topic Essential Question (learning segment):
How are you? (¿Cómo estás tú? ¿Cómo está usted?) What is your name? (¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se llama? ¿Cuál es su nombre? ¿Cuál es tu nombre?)
Lesson Focus Question(s):
¿Cómo estás? (¿How are you?) Muy bien gracias, ¿y tú/usted? (Very well thank you, and you?). ¿Estás bien o mal? (Are you well or bad?)
Objectives translated into student-friendly learning targets:
1- Culture: Recognize and demonstrate basic phrases for greetings and introducing yourself. 2- Listening: Demonstrate comprehension by speaking in response to basic phrases. 3- Speaking: Participate in conversation using basic sentences.
Language Function
Asking informational questions about themselves and greeting in Spanish.
Language Vocabulary
Contrast the informal ¿Cómo te llamas? And the formal ¿Cómo se llama? Other greetings and answers, other farewells and introductions. Have students look for cues in the conversation of the lesson to deduce the difference in usage of the expressions.
Short little You Tube video song: “Buenos dias - Jose-Luis Orozco presenta Caramba Kids” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-UXGWTEfEI
Introductory Narrative:
After listening the video a few times, we will practice the greetings by asking each other the sentence “¿Cómo estás?” (How are you?” or “¿Estás bien o mal?”(Are you well or bad?)
Transition to Body:
By writing and saying words in Spanish in the whiteboard or in PowerPoint slices like: “un momento” (one moment) or “atención” (attention).
1. To introduce yourself, you can start with a phrase like “HOLA” or “BUENOS DIAS”. Then, you can say your name with: [ME LLAMO + NOMBRE] or [MI NOMBRE ES + NOMBRE] as in this example: “¡Hola! me llamo Alex”. 2. To say the name using the verb SER with the structure [YO SOY + NOMBRE] as in “Yo soy Alex”. 3. To ask someone his or her name, we use ¿Cómo te llamas? or ¿Cuál es tu nombre? It is polite to say something like MUCHO GUSTO (nice to meet you) after you hear someone’s name. 4. To practice the topics 1,2, & 3 with the students for example: Carlos: ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Carlos. ¿Cómo te llamas? Ana: ¡Mucho gusto Carlos! Me llamo Ana. Carlos: El gusto es mío Conversation translation Carlos: Hello! My name is Carlos. What’s your name? Ana: Nice to meet you! My name is Ana. Carlos: The pleasure is mine
Implementation Details:
For supporting teaching presentation in my classroom, I need computer attached to a beamer. Each student is provided with a computer enabling computer-supported collaborative learning activities. I will distribute learning material complementary to what is being presented or distributes an electronic worksheet with which the students are to work during the class.
Using the e-book or textbook vocabulary as a reference section and to vary my minidialogs with students. Have students to stand up, introduce themselves, and create their own short dialogs. The activities in this section progress from receptive to productive. Build student confidence by building slowly toward the more creative activities. The pronunciation in the e-book provide some basic rules and practice. The instructional resources are important for practicing the greetings, introductions and farewell.
Supports for students with special needs:
Students with special needs as learning disabilities need to be taught differently or need some accommodations to enhance the learning environment. To maintain an organized classroom and limit distractions. To break down instructions into smaller. When transitioning to an activity, use a short song to finish up one task and move to another. To provide structured opportunities for students with disabilities to participate in social interaction with their typical peers. To encourage cooperative learning activities.
Language Supports:
• Vocabulary (How will you help students master key terms?) To repeat the vocabulary several times and ask them to demonstrate that they understand. • Language Function (How will you help students to perform the targeted language function?) It is best to use simple, concrete sentences and repetitions. • Syntax support: To provide immediate reinforcement for accomplishments. • Support for quality discourse: To use multi-sensory strategies. I might need to use physical cues, such as a light touch, when a student might get distracted or inattentive. Schedule breaks throughout the class and seat students with special needs in an area of the classroom that limits distractions.
Assessment Plan for Learning Objectives (This is a plan and should be written as such; remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):
1. Formative Assessment:
Homework. With a classmate invent a brief conversation of two to four lines in Spanish for the following situations: a- You greet new student in your history class. b- You meet your Spanish professor in the hallway before the 10:30 am class. c- At the end of the class you say good-bye to a classmate that you will see in class again tomorrow. Objective: To review and practice what the students learn. To measure how the students are learning and if the teaching methods are effective.
2. Summative Assessment:
Final exam. As part of the final oral exam the student must greet another student and ask him or her how things are. Objective: To indicate whether the student has an acceptable level of knowledge-gain
Assessment Plan for Students with Disabilities:
To provide oral instruction for students with reading disabilities. To present tests and reading materials in an oral format so the assessment is not unduly influenced by lack of reading ability. To provide learning disabled students with frequent progress checks. To give immediate feedback to learning disabled students. They need to see quickly the relationship between what was taught and what was learned. To invite students of varying abilities to work together on assessment formative or/and summative. |
Comments |
The school needs the computers and projectors and other materials for other content areas also. |
Cross-Curriculum Ideas |
Theater games for Spanish class, Singing songs in Spanish through the YouTube, and researching Spanish culture and countries. |
Follow-Up |
Practicing more greetings and farewells by checking by internet how Spanish countries do these. Having the Spanish Club at school for Spanish students and Spanish speaker community. |
Materials: |
Auditorium, Projector Screens, Digital Voice Recorders, Microphones, Printers, Flash/USB Drives, Large Pro Monitors, Keyboards, Headsets, ESL, Foreign Language, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Slideshow, Worksheets, Video Tools, Integrating Technology, Hardware Devices |