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Switch Zoo/Real or Fake

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Keywords: Switch Zoo, Animal, Habitats, Research
Subject(s): Technology, Writing, Reading
Grades 2 through 4
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: James H Hendrix Elem School, Boiling Spgs, SC
Planned By: Beth Stiffler
Original Author: Beth Stiffler, Boiling Spgs
Students we will begin a new lesson working with the Switch Zoo app. SwitchZoo gives students of
all ages the fun of creating their own silly animal combinations while learning cool facts about
the creatures they pick. Once you decide on what body parts you will use, you will name your
animal and begin writing facts about the animal. You can use National Geographic to find out
information on each animal part you chose. Remember this is your animal so you can create
the facts you would like when writing your paper. Each student will create an animal and write
a story about the animal based on information you have researched in National Geographic.
You will use the Snipping Tool to move your animal to a Word Document and you will write your
paper using a Font size of 20. The stories will be typed using WORD with a font of 20 and at least 3 paragraphs. Students will use the copy/paste and snipping tool feature on the computer.
Materials: Whiteboards, Keyboarding