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Life cycle of Insects / Ciclo de la vida de los insectos

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Keywords: Spanish, insects, life cycle
Subject(s): Technology, Early Learning, Science, Life Science, Writing, Foreign Language, Reading
Grade 2
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Jerry Junkins Elementary, Carrollton, TX
Planned By: Marta Beltran
Original Author: Marta Beltran, Carrollton
The objectives
My objectives are aligned with some reading and science TEKS, according to the curriculum used in DISD for second grade
Students are expected to …
R.2.12 read independently for a sustained period and paraphrase what the reading was about, maintaining meaning.
R.2.25 record basic information in simple visual formats (e.g., notes, charts, picture graphs, diagrams)
R.2.29 share information and ideas that focus on the topic under discussion, speaking clearly at an appropriate pace, using the conventions of language.
R.2.27 create a visual display to convey the results of the research.
SC.2.10.C investigate and record some of the unique stages that insects undergo during their life cycle.
I will measurement if the objectives were achieved using a Flipgrid. Students will create posters with diagrams and notes about their research on the life cycle of an insect. They will record themselves presenting their findings.
SAMR (retrieved from https://www.schoology.com/blog/samr-model-practical-guide-edtech-integration)

using e-books and videos for better illustrations and to help struggling readers (read-to-me options).
Augmentation: using videos to enhance learning wit real insects and the step by step living experience.
Modification: instead of just answering questions about what they have learned, students will creatively present their findings to their peers, maximizing and pacing learning, and promoting independent and meaningful work.
Blooms’ Digital Taxonomy (retrieved from https://teachonline.asu.edu/2016/05/integrating-technology-blooms-taxonomy/)
Remembering – group
networking, searching.
Understanding –Advanced searching, annotating.
Applying – Charting, presenting, uploading, sharing with a group.
Creating – publishing.

The project:
Students will work in the project during the small groups part of our reading block. I will need to borrow the cart with laptops and make sure that the desktops are working properly. If they are not available, I will organize the kids to work in pairs so they can record for the Flipgrid more efficiently. I will give the whole class a guideline before sending them to work independently, and I will make sure all the students have access to the Blendspace site before starting with the students in my table. I anticipate students learning at different pace and the need of adjusting my schedule to make sure students have time and support to complete their assignments. I will work with students individually and in small group throughout this project.
I will evaluate the progress after each session to identify difficulties and to adjust (time, grouping, books, illustration materials).

1. I will assign an insect (butterfly, ant, cricket, and mealworm) to each kid in the table so they will become experts in one topic.
2. They will read what is expected from them at the end of the activity. It is a kid-friendly version of the TEKS.
3. Students will read a book (Epic) and watch a video (YouTube) about the life cycle of their designated insect. They will have to use the information to complete a portfolio with notes, diagrams and illustrations.
4. Kids will use Flipgrid to present their portfolios and explain the life cycle of the insect.

My students enjoy working with apps and using computers as much as they can. They work with Xtramath, Education Galaxy, and IStation daily. They are fast learners and usually work cooperatively when someone struggles. I encourage them to solve small and medium technical issues, and I have designated some experts. We have 3 desktops and each kid has a kindle. I try to borrow a cart with laptops frequently, because the kindles’ screens are too small and do not support most applications. We have internet access, and a projector, but I prefer that they use individual screens.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
I use small group instruction in my classroom. I already know what to use with the kids I call to my table. The challenge has been managing other students and finding meaningful and engaging assignments during independent work time. I want this time to solidify understanding of key literacy or math skills and strategies and develop responsibility for completing classwork, and to teach social studies and science content because we usually don’t have enough time to cover these areas. I also want to be able to evaluate their work with an easy/fast tracking instrument.
Students will create posters with diagrams and notes about their research on the life cycle of an insect. They will record themselves presenting their findings.
Materials: Video Tools, Computer Accessories, English/Language Arts
Other Items: 20 iPads, $280 each, total of $5600.00