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Using VR to explore and explain human impacts on the environment

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Keywords: VR, Human Impact, Environment, Technology, Experience,
Subject(s): Science, Earth Science
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: McLean Co Middle School, Calhoun, KY
Planned By: Cary Hicks
Original Author: Cary Hicks, Calhoun
Teacher: Cary Hicks

Standard: ESS3-3 Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing human impact on the environment (pollution, water usage, waste, land usage, etc).

Learning Target: I CAN become the teacher and create a VR experience to teach others about how humans impact the environment, and methods for monitoring and minimizing human impact.

-After discussing how humans impact the environment (carbon footprints, pollution, excessive waste, water quality, agriculture practices, etc), show students Honey Bees VR Experience
-Discuss VR Experience, what was learned about the threatened bee population, strategies for helping the population, why we need to do so, how VR enhanced their learning experience, how VR could be used to better educate other about environmental issues, etc
-Introduce students to Google Earth VR, Cardboard, Street Maps and Tour Creator
-Model how to create a VR experience
-Have students work in table groups to design and produce a VR experience (using prior knowledge of specific human impacts on the environment) that can be used to educate others on strategies for minimizing negative environmental impacts
-Once complete, students will present VR experiences with classmates for peer reviews/critiques and have a chance to edit
-VR experiences will then be published and shared with other classes/schools in district

Evidence of Student Cognitive Engagement:
Correct usage of content knowledge, Finished product, Peer reviews, Editing product following peer reviews, Final product
Links: Info about VR cameras and headsets
Link to purchase VR cameras
Link to purchase VR headsets
Materials: Video Cameras, Camera/Video Accessories, Middle, Animation, Video Tools
Other Items: 7 Lenovo Mirage Camera, $261.00 each, total of $1827.00
7 Lenovo Mirage VR Headsets, $369.00 each, total of $2583.00