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Camouflage Around Our School

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Keywords: Insects, Butterflies, Photography, Art, Camouflage, Plants, Collaboration, Science, Make Learning Fun, Outdoor Classroom, Fresh Air, Colors
Subject(s): Information Skills, Biology, Art, Photography, Spelling, Technology, Grammar, Science, Life Science, Writing, Earth Science, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grade 3
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Carroll-Oakland Elem School, Lebanon, TN
Planned By: Dawn Reed
Original Author: Dawn Reed, Lebanon
Objectives- Students will be able to identify various insects that utilize camouflage as a defense mechanism.

Materials Needed:
- 40 sheets of white paper
- 20 pencils
- coloring pencils
- 20 scissors
- digital camera
- memory card
- 20 student journals

Procedure- Tell students that today we will learn about camouflage. Show a video or slideshow that gives examples of animals that use camouflage for self-preservation.
Ex.: https://oakdome.com/k5/lesson-plans/powerpoint/animal-camouflage-pictures-and-information.php

the concept of camouflage has been introduced, allow students to use art supplies to draw, color, and cut out insects and butterflies. Have examples on the board for reference.
Discuss predators of insects and butterflies. How would insects and butterflies be able to hide from these predators?

Take students and their insects outside for a nature walk. Observe any real insects that may be found and photograph as many as possible.
Students will place their handmade insects on plants, the ground, walls, and any other areas that will camouflage them and take photographs.

Print photos and use them in journal entries and information writing assignments.

This would make a great bulletin board display.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This would be a great beginning for creative writing projects.
Materials: Digital Cameras, Wildlife, Point and Shoot, Camera/Video Accessories, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Memory Cards, English/Language Arts, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Science, Elementary
Other Items: 1 Canon PowerShot ELPH 180 20 MP Digital Camera (Red) + 32GB Card + Battery and Charger + Accessory Bundle, $164.99 each, total of $164.99