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Virtual Vacation

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Keywords: Virtual Vacation, Photography, Visual Art, Technology Photoshop
Subject(s): Art, Photography, Video, Animation, Spelling, Technology, Geography, Grammar, Special Needs, Writing, English/Language Arts
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Lyal Burkholder Middle School, Henderson, NV
Planned By: Melissa Wilkinson
Original Author: Melissa Wilkinson, Henderson
Digital Art - Virtual Vacation

Summer is just around the corner!
Think about where you want to go on a virtual vacation! Take a picture of yourself (including your pets, backpack, whatever). You can also use one you have in your camera roll. Get creative with your photos!
Upload the picture of yourself to remove.bg (Remove.bg removes the background for you!)
Download the picture of yourself without the background
Open up google draw.
Using google draw Find a background, place you’ve visited, or google a location you would like to go. You can also use one from your camera roll, just email a picture (original size) to yourself & save to your computer.
Insert your background picture and make it as large as you like!
Add your remove.bg transparent background photo!
Add in accessories, pets, friends, etc…. Have fun!
Using your art supplies, media & tools, get creative and do some mixed media exploration with your photography! The sky is the limit, show us your Artistic Voice!
Research your destination and write your story about your vacation. Share what you and your pets are doing, seeing and experiencing!!

Happy Virtual Vacation!

Art Media: SLR Camera or Cell Phone, Art Media of your Choice, Laptop or Cell Phone to Create, Remove.BG Website, Google Draw, & Photoshop (if needed with mixed media art & photography intergration).

Follow Up: Create a video or animation to bring your Virtual Vacation to LIFE!
Oh the places you can GO!!
Integrating Technology and Art.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
English Language Arts & Narrative Stories
Personal Experiences & Geography
Create a video or animation of you talking about your experience..bring it to LIFE.
Materials: Digital SLR, Camera/Video Accessories, Art Tools
Other Items: 1 Digital SLR Camera, $400 each, total of $400.00
1 Art Tools (Paint, Paintbrushes, Mixed Media Paper, Pencil, Oil Pastels), $200 each, total of $200.00
1 Photoshop, $150 each, total of $150.00