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Cell Community

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Keywords: Cell Structure, Cell Function
Subject(s): Photography, Biology, Science
Grade 7
School: Interstate 35 Middle School, New Virginia, IA
Planned By: Sue Meggers
Original Author: Sue Meggers, New Virginia
Background: Students review cell structures and learn of cell functions.

Viewing Cell Structure: lab to view and identify cell structures of plant and animal cells. Capture digital images of cells and cell structures by pictures taken through microscope eye piece.

Systematic Functions: Student explore the functions of the cell structures as related to a free flowing system. Identify common system functions as related to the infrastructure of a community - designing communities specific to analogy to plant or animal cell.

Take field trip around community to take pictures of infrastructure necessary to the community (Digital Pictures or Video).

Use draw programs on the computer to make a final blue print of their project. Also use the computer to create and present a PowerPoint to "sell community idea to investors."

Cell Wall - protective barrier such as supplied be physical boundary of a community.
Cell Membrane - protective filter such as a security gate allowing certain entities in or out.
Nucleus - government of community
Cytoplasm - canal system for structured transport of community goods
Mitochondria - power plant where energy is processed from biofuel sources and the energy is released to the power grid
Vacuoles-water reservoir
Golgi Bodies-packaging center from the factory
Endoplasmic Reticulum-delivery service for the factory
Chloroplasts - organic sugar cane farm for bio-fuels
Ribosomes-protein factory
Libsomes - food processing and waste digester for retrieval of lost energy
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Use computer drawing to work with art and math to draw scale blue prints and then create 3-D model of cell community. Create a PowerPoint presentation to sell community to investors (technology and language arts).
Comparison of cell systems to community to human body systems.
Materials: Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Digital SLR, Slideshow