1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Browse All Lesson Plans |
Lesson Plan Name |
Grades |
This I Believe |
K to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will listen to a podcast of "This I Believe" from NPR and create a list of their own beliefs. Great introduction to the Civil War. |
Time to Vote |
6 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 11 ratings) The students will learn about the three branches of U.S. government by creating and simulating the election and campaign processes. They will utilize not only their textbooks and classroom materials, but will also take a hands on approach with various technologies to enhance their outcome. |
To Kill a Mockingbird |
6 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will examine the issues of injustice and race relations in the 1930s. They will be challenged to gain a new perspective by walking in another person's shoes. |
Tool Factory American Independence Lesson |
4 to 7 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will first investigate the American Independence experience through two websites. They will than create a newspaper from July 4,1776, making mock interviews of the major players, covering the major events, and even writing opinions articals from both points of view. |
Tour Guide of WIllow Bend |
K to 6 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Second language learners (ELL) will create a tour of Willow Bend School reflecting on what a newcomer would need to know. Students will use their past experiences to compare and contrast Willow Bend to other schools around the world. The video will include all aspects of school; teachers, support staff, locations, activities, etc. |
Tour of African History |
3 to 11 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will explore African history by taking a gallery walk through an interactive museum, exploring Africa's geography and taking a virtual field trip. |
Traditional Tribal Homelands of Washington's Plateau Nations |
6 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) This WebQuest is the first part of a four part unit or can be used alone. It challenges students to think critically about the conflicts before, during, and after the Walla Walla Treaty Council of 1855. |
USA States Mini-book |
K to 5 |
Each student in our fourth grade class will choose one of the 50 states to research using the internet and then create a mini-book using PowerPoint. |
Using Repeat Photography to Map Environmental Hazards |
6 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will collect historical photos from libraries, newspapers and family collections for comparison to recent photos to be taken by the class. Students will compare photos to assess changes in landscape, industry and neighborhoods and blog their results. |
Using the Computer Safety and Ettiquette |
P-K to P-K |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Teaching students to use the computer safely and correctly. Learning what information is safe to share and what can harm us. |
Video Buddies |
K to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Hamden elementary students and Beijing elementary students will correspond with each other through technology which includes use of the Flip Video Camera. Students will use the video camera to introduce family members, pets, and record important events such as birthdays and holiday celebrations. |
Virtual Travel Plan |
4 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) This lesson was created for 4th grade students in North Carolina. It integrates many areas of the curriculum including mathematics, social studies, and language arts. Students design a virtual trip through North Carolina to learn about the history and symbols of North Carolina. |
Vivid Visual Vocabulary |
3 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) The Vivid Visual Vocabulary Project is a student-generated, project-based learning experience in which students utilize technology to develop skills in research, writing, and creativity to produce weekly vocabulary presentation on root words. Expanding vocabulary enhances reading skills. |
Vivid Visual Vocabulary |
K to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create weekly presentations of their vocabulary words utilizing Flip Cameras, iMovie and Powerpoint. Computer generated, student driven learning always leads to life-long knowledge, but making videos to enact vocabulary words in context is fun. |
Vocabulary Taboo Review |
3 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson is a twist on the card game "Taboo", where people aim to describe a word at the top of the card, but are not allowed to use the "Taboo" words printed on the card in their description. |
Voice of Democracy |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) Record your original 3 to 5 minute (+ or - 5 seconds) essay on a standard cassette tape or CD on the 2010-11 theme "Does My Generation Have a Role In America's Future" Label your cassette or CD and neatly typed essay with your name and completed entry form. |
Waste Water Research |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will engage in a year long study of the impacts of waste water and its impacts on the local community and the Hudson River. Students will evaluate the impacts that various green technology can have on improving the quality of runoff waste water. |
Water Conservation Video Lab |
8 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson plan was created in an effort to have students become advocates for the world they live in. Students are asked to creating a Public Service Announcement Video for Water Conservation. |
Water Cycle Voice Thread |
1 to 6 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson plan is geared towards elementary level students using a reader's theater script and VoiceThread to improve reading fluency. |
We are the World |
9 to 12 |
Creating a student lead Video and Podcast news organization. |
We Have a Dream |
2 to 4 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students write their own "I Have a Dream" speech based on how they think they can make their world a better place. |
What do you know? |
4 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) This is an exercise that has a pre and post casual assessment using polleverywhere.com It assesses what is known before a unit and afterwards by using cellphones and computers |
What does Citizenship mean to you? |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students create an audio podcast about citizenship. |
What will I be when I grow up? |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will research various careers of interest to them using different modes of learning. Students will utilize the library, internet, college tours, guest speakers, college and career center, and classroom materials. |
Who cares? |
8 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Everybody says, "don't talk about religion or politics" but this is what we do in Civics. Apathy is our number one problem in this country, the antiserum is activity. |