1 ... 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | ... 17 | Browse All Lesson Plans |
Lesson Plan Name |
Grades |
Vivid Visual Vocabulary |
3 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) The Vivid Visual Vocabulary Project is a student-generated, project-based learning experience in which students utilize technology to develop skills in research, writing, and creativity to produce weekly vocabulary presentation on root words. Expanding vocabulary enhances reading skills. |
Vivid Visual Vocabulary |
K to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create weekly presentations of their vocabulary words utilizing Flip Cameras, iMovie and Powerpoint. Computer generated, student driven learning always leads to life-long knowledge, but making videos to enact vocabulary words in context is fun. |
Vocabulary Builder Buzz Time |
8 to 10 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Vocabulary enrichment is a great way to have a routine closure to instruction. The students will watch a short vocabulary video that uses comedy to help the student remember and associate word meanings from common testing terminology. |
Vocabulary Taboo Review |
3 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson is a twist on the card game "Taboo", where people aim to describe a word at the top of the card, but are not allowed to use the "Taboo" words printed on the card in their description. |
Vocabulary Videos |
9 to 12 |
This lesson integrates vocabulary research with script-writing, performance, and videography to give English Language Development students, along with Special Education and General Education students a better command of the English Language while gaining experience in filmography. |
Voice and Choice Technology Integrated Independent Reading Projects |
3 to 5 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) The students will demonstrate voice and choice in their technology integrated independent reading projects.The students will pick from a genre choice board and project choice board to complete their independent reading project.The students read the book outside of class and complete their
book project in class on book project day (One class period devoted to completing book project and starting presentations.) |
Walk a Day in my Moccasins |
P-K to 5 |
Using a video camcorder to record a day in the life of another student who either is ELL or ESL or Special Needs (Austism) so that other students can see how these students deal with the challenging day at school. |
Waltzing To The Civil War |
5 to 6 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) The Civil War Ball teaches students how people lived during the Civil War in the State of Alabama and Blount County. They experience history as acted out by local members of the historical society along with photographs, music and food sampling. |
Want to Drag?! (: |
6 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson plan will present 7th & 8th grade students with engaging, motivating, and fun hands-on engineering opportunity to create, design, fabricate, test, and competitively race scale model cars for aerodynamics and performance |
2 to 4 |
Students will use digital cameras and desktop publishing to recreate WANTED posters of the old Wild West. Only this time, they will be looking for good characters! |
We Are Authors! |
2 to 2 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will use Clip Art Station and Microsoft Word to create a book. |
We are the World |
9 to 12 |
Creating a student lead Video and Podcast news organization. |
Weather Forecast Project |
6 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) How can you use software available on a Mac laptop to best create a professional weather forecast that demonstrates your ability to read and interpret a weather map? |
Weather Forecast Project |
6 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) How can you use software available on a Mac laptop to best create a professional weather forecast that demonstrates your ability to read and interpret a weather map? |
Web 2.0 - Video Sharing |
9 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Create a video to share on a Video Sharing Site (Youtube, Flickr, etc.). Through this lesson, the student will become proficient at sharing files online using the various Video Sharing Sites. Students will use Tool Factory Movie Maker to edit and produce the video.
Weebly Website Report |
7 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will make a free weebly website about a topic they have researched. |
Welcome to BIS! - A Student-created Video for New Students |
3 to 3 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Blackhawk Intermediate School has approximately 600 students in grades 3-5. Second graders from two primary buildings move to BIS each Fall which can be overwhelming as the building is much bigger than their previous buildings. Third graders will create a welcome video to introduce new students to BIS and help make this transition easier. |
Welcome to Marshall Road! |
2 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) To help our transient families feel more comfortable in their new surroundings, a booklet will be created to include pictures of important people and places found within the school as well as an accompanying description who the individuals are and what happens in certain places. This is an interesting opportunity for students to find out more about their surroundings and to practice effective communication skills. |
Welcome to Our School ! |
6 to 8 |
Overview - using a camera for an ongoing class project will allow students to capture on film any and all projects done in classes for the year, Teacher expectations, and how to get around at our school. The selected activities will be documented and used to make additions and subtractions in an effort to make all projects more student friendly, and to familiarize parents and students with their new school. |
What are Numbers?: Learning to Add |
K to 1 |
Students explore digital camera use while learning basic math concepts and simple number identification. |
What Do You Know About Your Town? |
2 to 3 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Lessons that help students learn a little about their own community. Lesson is generated for Erath, Louisiana, however can be adapted to any area. |
What is it... A Frog or a Toad? |
1 to 3 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) Frog and Toad
Lesson Purpose: Comparing Frogs and Toads (Can be used for science lessons or for any “Frog and Toad” Series book.) |
What Makes a Great Plate? Nutrition for Today |
4 to 5 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will make informational posters, focusing on the new “MyPlate” nutrition guidelines from the USDA. Using the Tool Factory Word Processor, students will design posters that will be displayed in the school cafeteria to encourage the student body to make wise choices within each food group. |
What's Going On |
5 to 6 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) The 6th grade special education students are going to make a monthly newsletter for their peers on the things that are happening. This lesson helps with self esteem, organization, and written expression, and technology skills. |
What's In A Name? |
6 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Sixth grade research class students will learn about triangulation as they collect primary and secondary research about their names, along with expert opinion . The research findings will be presented in the form of a movie. |