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Lesson Plan Name |
Grades |
Who is Robert M. Glass? - Black History Month |
P-K to P-K |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Robert Glass was an African American who was a member of the Tuskegee 332nd Fighter Group. He received several distinguished service medals. How many of our students would recognize his name? In this lesson, students learn about the contributions of other African Americans to our military service. |
Who's in the Hot Seat- Characterization and Point-of-View |
6 to 7 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will be able to demonstrate how characters change throughout a story, as well as describe how the author develops the point-of-view of the characters. Students will use the Smart Board, along with Smart Board Slates, to complete the interactive activities, in order to master these objectives. |
Who's the Man? Men of the French & Indian War and Road to the Revolution |
5 to 6 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Who's the Man? Men of the French & Indian War and Road to the Revolution |
Who's Who in Hampton? |
1 to 6 |
      (5.0 stars, 2 ratings) Students use their interviews with our town's First Selectmen, Town Librarian, Town Clerk, Fire Chief, and Town Tax Collector, Town Assesor, Board of Education Chairperson, and School Superintendent/Principal to create a podcast.
The interviews will be used |
Wiki Comment: The News and You |
5 to 8 |
Writing Prompt Option for Students
Create a wiki with a page for this student writing prompt.
The activity is a a page for writing clear and cohesive comments that connect students to the news. The goal is for students to write concisely about their connection to the news in the world, sharing and commenting on each others' ideas.
Wishing for Wells |
2 to 2 |
Students of all ability levels will learn about the water crisis in Africa. They will use iPads to conduct research, make PSAs to broadcast on the morning announcements, and complete other technology-infused projects to raise awareness (such as an interactive QR code exhibit about a region in Africa). The unit will culminate in a fundraiser to try to fund the construction of a well in Africa. |
Women and the Right to Vote |
7 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Change can not happen unless someone chooses to take a stand and have a voice that will not be silenced. Women fought for change and were not willing to be put on the shelf. Both men and women need to be able to speak up for things they believe will make changes in the world today. |
World Civilizations |
7 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) This project is an effort to incorporate interactive video games (Civilization 4) and collaborative internet tools (Google Docs and Wikispaces) with an understanding of historical knowledge and themes to better understand the interaction between culture, geography, government, and people over large periods of time. To do this, groups of students will play a networked version of Civilization 4, keep records of events which occur in this game, write a history of the nation created in the game, and publish the history online for others to use. |
World History Tool Factory Workshop Fun! |
6 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will make a database of each of the ancient civilizations covered and then use the word processor program to make presentations on each of them. |
World Travelers |
K to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students in grades K-8 and Visual Art students would choose destinations to "visit" by grade levels, which would enable classroom teachers to use this project as a learning tool for many other subject areas. Classes would then photograph their ideas of locations, settings, places to visit, plant life, perhaps even life of that area to create a travel brochure for future visitors. |
World Traveller |
6 to 12 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students groups will research various countries of their choice, create artifacts reflect culture and monuments from their researched nation, and students will take "tourist" photos of themselves in front of their artifacts and monuments. Photos will be complied in a "World Traveler Gallery" on our class website |
Writing Classroom Agreements using Inspiration & Word to Go |
3 to 8 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) At the beginning of the year, the class will create a "Classroom Constitution" using Inspiration software and, as an option for classrooms w/ Palm Pilots, Word to Go. Students will brainstorm as a class a list of behaviors that they think will help the classroom environment be conducive to learning & to show how they can become better citizens in their class. |
WWII News Reporters |
10 to 12 |
Students report on a major battle from WWII as news anchors and on-scene reporters. Students also create a Propaganda Poster from that period. |
Yes We Can! Students with Autism & Downs-Syndrome on the Drums! |
K to 12 |
    (3.5 stars, 2 ratings) Students with profound special needs, such as autism, Downs-syndrome, CP, & medically fragile conditions, will participate in a variety of exciting experiential activities, including adaptive percussion & drumming, Karaoke type music, and using American Sign Language to express themselves to music. Project will be documented via video and digital pictures and shown to the school body in a music video format. |
You Can Do It: Creating How-To Videos |
P-K to P-K |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Middle school students create instructional videos for other students using Flip video cameras and editing software. Students must brainstorm a topic, write an original script and create their film and audio narration, then edit and and create an original movie. Sample topics include "How to tie your shoes," "How to be organized for Middle School," and "The Water Cycle." |
“Through the Eyes of a Child- Student Photography” Elementary Level – Visual Arts |
2 to 5 |
      (5.0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will experience the beauty of literacy through the use of photography. Teacher guided photography instruction will focus on the subject areas of reading and writing skills to help students become better readers. |