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My Wishlist

Mrs. Karen Craig
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Holliday Elementary School
Wichita Falls TX
Class Information:
Room Number: 1B
Students per Class: 20
Class Description:
Holliday Elementary is a Title 1 school. Our enrollment is quite diverse in that we have many students attending from the small town of Holliday, rural areas on farm roads, and a suburb on the outskirts of Wichita Falls, TX (Lakeside City). With all the budget cuts we are lacking in class room technology. My class size ranges from 16 to 24 children each year. I would love to see a technology rich environment for these eager learners, but I will need someones help.
First Grade Teacher
A Mimio interactive white board would open that door. Engagement and interaction for the entire class would be possible through this type of resource. Because of the the diversity of learning styles in my class, I believe that a Mimio interactive white board would be the technology tool of choice. It can reach out to the visual learners(through color), tactile learners (touching and solving math problems, moving story sentences to sequence, phonics coding, etc.), and auditory learners through discussion generated by what is seen on the board. I am looking for someone to help us acquire the best tools to teach and learn with. It will pay off in the end.
My Philosophy:
I believe that children will grow into learners and thinkers through directed and meaningful discussion, by respecting their thoughts, ideas and opinions, and giving them a variety of experiences to enhance learning. It is important to give choices so they learn independence and responsibility. Through high expectations and accountability children will always strive to do their best. The classroom is to be a safe place where children feel it's alright to try new things, encouraged to keep going, and if they are not successful the first time, given more opportunities to try again. I firmly believe that by these acts in my classroom, our understanding , tolerance, and respect for ourselves and others will make us better people.
Personal Information:
About Me:
When I went back to school, I was referred to as a non traditional student. That meant that I was over 50. I graduated from college the same year our sixth child graduated from high school. It was wonderful. We celebrated together. I am living proof that old dogs do learn new tricks all the time. Teaching is an extension of parenting and that was good training for my present position.
College and Degrees:
I have a Bachelor Degree in InterdisciplinaryStudies from Midwestern State University. I also have an Early Childhood Endorsement, and graduated with an emphasis in Speech Communications.
I am actively engaged in genealogy, photography and hold the position of President over the teaching staff for children ages 18 months to 11 years old in my church. This responsibility covers nine church units in both Texas and Oklahoma. .
Favorite Books:
Favorite books include a wide range. I am a picture bookaholic and can't pass up book sores, garage sales, and book clubs. I love to read out loud to children. Class read alouds are my favorite part of the day. That's on of my passions - to show children that books can come alive and be a real part of their life forever.
Favorite Quotes:
Christopher Robin said, " Promise me you'll always remember: "You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think"." and RalphWaldo Emerson said, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
All my interest have to do with my activities. I guess I should add that I love eating out, shopping, and good movies.
Employment History:
I was a paraprofessional for five years, then completed my degree and was hired at Holliday Elementary. I have been teaching first grade for nine years years.
Why Do I Teach?:
I find teaching to be personally rewarding, fulfilling, and just plain fun. I love the interaction with the children and seeing those light bulb moments. I think watching them grow over the course of a year is marvelous. I cry and pray over those who struggle as I search for answers. I am always humbled to discover that there is always more to learn.
Average number of students in class:: 20 students
Number of students I teach:: 20 students