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 Derrick Ching has donated $50.00 to the fundraiser I-PADS FOR PRESCHOOL SUCCESS Feb 12, 2013
 Digital Wish has awarded the The Big Bus 2.0 Grant - 01/2013 grant to Penni Taketa Feb 07, 2013
 Furumoto & Yuan, MD has donated $200.00 to the fundraiser I-PADS FOR PRESCHOOL SUCCESS Jan 23, 2013
 Jana Miyazaki has donated $25.00 to the fundraiser I-PADS FOR PRESCHOOL SUCCESS Jan 05, 2013
 Darren & Kymi has donated $100.00 to the fundraiser I-PADS FOR PRESCHOOL SUCCESS Jan 04, 2013
 Anonymous has donated $50.00 to the fundraiser I-PADS FOR PRESCHOOL SUCCESS Jan 03, 2013
 Penni Taketa has donated $75.00 to the fundraiser I-PADS FOR PRESCHOOL SUCCESS Dec 21, 2012
 Tami Taketa has donated $100.00 to the fundraiser I-PADS FOR PRESCHOOL SUCCESS Dec 21, 2012
 Tiffany Marrotte has donated $25.00 to the fundraiser I-PADS FOR PRESCHOOL SUCCESS Dec 21, 2012

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Here is the technology that Penni Taketa has acquired through Digital Wish:
Get an Apple iPad 2 for your Classroom!, Black (3)
Get an Apple iPad 2 for your Classroom!, Black (2)
Here is the grant that I have won through Digital Wish: The Big Bus 2.0 Grant - 01/2013
Ms. Penni Taketa
Add Me as a Friend!
Ae Kamalii Preschool
Class Information:
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 25 %
     Average: 65 %
     High-achiever: 5 %
     Special Needs: 5 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 20 %
     Hispanic: 10 %
     African American: 2 %
     Native American: 57 %
     Asian: 75 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 47 %
ESL Enrollment:: 10 %
Average number of students in class:: 40 students
Number of students I teach:: 20 students