Our school is a free, public charter high school that has been in existence since 1997. The school provides a college-preparatoryprogram for all of the 260 students. Students are enrolled through an open lottery, and come from Bridgeport and surrounding towns. Our population is 65% African-American,33% Latino and 2% Caucasian. Roughly 77% of our students are eligible for free or reduced meals. All students who graduate from the school are accepted into several colleges. With so many students in the large, local high schools, guidance counselors must focus their time on the students who want to go to college and have a shot at getting there by having good grades. In contrast, the program at The Bridge Academy helps all students get into college by providing a rigorous academic program, opportunities for involvement in the school and community, and guidance through the entire college admission process.
As we all know our current society offers many challenges to American youth that older generations have not had to endure. Our students live in a world with a globalized economy in which they must compete not only with other American students, but with the entire world population. Therefore, it has come to our attention that our world is now driven by the level of education a person completes. If a potential employee does not have the qualifications from a respected educational institute their chances are slim to none to be hired. Furthermore, without technology education our students do not stand a chance.
My Philosophy:
The key principle that we work by on a daily basis is the idea that, "no one rises to low expectations." We challenge our students every single day. We challenge them academically, behaviorally, and socially. We have set high standards for our students because we believe that, regardless of situation or location, if a student is challenged and receives the proper support, he/she can overcome.