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Mr. Joel Leckie
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Northside Middle School
Class Information:
Room Number: F623
Students per Class: 4
Class Description:
I have a wonderful class of Profoundly Handicapped and Autistic students. They are a dream to work with and enjoy everything life has to offer.
PMD Teacher
Hands on activities.
My Philosophy:
All students have the capacity to learn no matter what life has dealt them. My job is to find out how they learn and run with it.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am a 22 year veteran and have worked in an institutional setting as well as the public schools. I have extensive training in autism. I also serve as a church music director for two small Methodist Churches.
College and Degrees:
Southwestern Oklahoma State University - Bachelor of Science in Music Education and Bachelor of Arts in Music Therapy. Southern Wesleyan University - Masters of Education
Favorite Books:
Anything by Scott Turow
Music, woodworking, pets.
Why Do I Teach?:
No other job has the rewards I get