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Mr. Jeffrey Hinton
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Sierra Vista High School
Las Vegas
Class Information:
Room Number: 315
Students per Class: 160
Class Description:
I teach U.S. History to eleventh grade students at Northwest Career and Technical Academy an urban high school located in Las Vegas Nevada.
My Philosophy:
I believe that all students have a natural curiosity about the world around them, it is the teachers responsibility to develop creative ways in which to reach even the most reluctant learners.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am a happily married father of three beautiful girls, I am truly blessed.
College and Degrees:
UNLV Bachelor of Arts U.S. History 1994 UNLV Masters of Education Curriculum and Instruction I am currently working towards a Masters of Arts in U.S. History
I enjoy creating websites and making documentary movies. I also enjoy learning about American history and have participated in numerous workshops and summer institutes.
Favorite Books:
My favorite book of a historical nature is Patty Limerick's "Something in the Soil" My favorite fiction book is Stephen King's "The Shining"
Favorite Quotes:
“If a country expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be…” Thomas Jefferson
Computers, documentary film making, music, American history
Employment History:
I began my adult life in the United States Marine Corps serving for four years, after receiving an honorable discharge I worked for Sears while going to school to become a teacher. I have been teaching for six years.
Why Do I Teach?:
There is no better job in the world, I can't believe they pay me to go to school everyday and do what I love to do.
Average number of students in class:: 32 students
Number of students I teach:: 183 students