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 Kathy Sage has rated the lesson plan OUR Watershed leads to YOUR Beachfront Oct 31, 2010
 Kathy Sage has added the lesson plan OUR Watershed leads to YOUR Beachfront Jul 16, 2010
 Mrs. Sage It's the middle of July, and I'm already getting excited to get back to my classroom. My science workshop trip to Costa Rica gave me a lot of great ideas of ways to involve my students with Global Learning! Bring it on. :-) Jul 16, 2010
 Kathy Sage has added to their wishlist Jul 16, 2010

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Mrs. Kathy Sage
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H.S. Winograd K8 School
Wheatridge, Colorado
Class Information:
Room Number: 118
Students per Class: 30
Class Description:
I teach at H.S. Winograd K8 School. My classroom is made up of a nice, diverse group of students representing a variety of achievement levels and socio-economic levels. Our class motto is: "No one makes it until we all make it!" We use the Seattle Fish Market's Phish Philosophy to guide our everyday behaviors and environment: Be here, Have fun, Make their day, and Choose your attitude. With such a fun place to learn and everyone focused on achieving success, we love our classroom and parents tell me, talk about school more than ever - in a positive way, of course.
5th Grade Teacher
As I study the 21st Century Skills which my students will have to know, I recognize that things have changed from when I started teaching in 1982. We need fluent technology opportunities that are not used as one-time events, but are integral to our everyday learning
My Philosophy:
Every child has a future, I'm going to make sure he/she has all of the opportunities to have a great one.
Personal Information:
About Me:
-Starting my 29th year of teaching -areas I have taught: middle school reading/writing, social studies, math; high school physical education/health;5th grade; technology for grades PK - 5 as a Building Technology Specialist; Teacher on Special Assignment to help open a new school.
College and Degrees:
University of Northern Colorado -Physical Education/Health -InterdisciplinaryEducation -Reading
-Reading -Bike riding -Movie watching -Travelingwith my bestfriend for Spring Break
Favorite Books:
-Secret Garden
Favorite Quotes:
"Wise men learn from others' mistakes; fools from their own." H.G. Bohn
Technology in Education: especially social networking and collaborative global projects
Employment History:
I have taught at a variety of schools in WCSD6 from elementary to high school. My first year of teaching was at Muldoon Elementary in Anchorage, AK.
Why Do I Teach?:
I was born to teach - at least that is what my 3rd grade teacher told my mother at Parent/Teacher Conferences. After 28 years and still going strong, I love my job and know she was right. Equity and opportunity are my talismans. I know all children can and do learn, and I strive to prove it to their parents and even to them every year, all day, every day.
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 20 %
     Average: 60 %
     High-achiever: 10 %
     Special Needs: 10 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 50 %
     Hispanic: 50 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 56 %
ESL Enrollment:: 45 %
Average number of students in class:: 30 students
Number of students I teach:: 30 students