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 Digital Wish has awarded the Classroom Recording grant to Mary Clarke-Miller Nov 15, 2013
 Mrs. Clarke-Miller Started teaching a new class this year - and with all the budget cuts, have limited technology to actually teach with. But Students are great and are excited and ready to learn about animation, game design and digital media design. Sep 12, 2010
 Mary Clarke-Miller has added to their wishlist Sep 12, 2010
 Mary Clarke-Miller has donated $25.00 to themself Sep 12, 2010
 Mary Clarke-Miller has added to their wishlist Sep 10, 2010
 Mrs. Clarke-Miller Tell everyone what you're up to. Aug 16, 2010

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Here is the technology that Mary Clarke-Miller has acquired through Digital Wish:
Here is the grant that I have won through Digital Wish: Classroom Recording
FREE Flip MinoHD! (processesing fee and restrictions apply)
Flip UltraHD™ 120-minute Camcorder 2-for-1!, Flip Ultra™ 120-minute - 2 for $150
Mrs. Mary Clarke-Miller
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Encinal High School
Class Information:
Room Number: rm408
Students per Class: 100
Class Description:
Digital Media Design : Introducing Students to the world of media. Over the course of a year students will work on projects from print to video. Example of projects : Students will produce comic strip projects/ and videos to educate K-1's on how to recycle. Students will produce a website to bring History alive. Students will shoot video - edit and composite effects utilizing green screen to create a three minute group project. DigitalAnimation : An Introduction to animation, Student will learn the fundamentals of 2D and 3D animation. Example of projects : Students will work with a non-profit to create a public service announcement animation to promote children's programs. Students will work in groups to create a short animated film. Game Design: Students will learn computational thinking and basic programming skills through developing 2D games. Students will be required to create an educational based game and one of a genre of their choice.
Media Teacher
Video cameras - 4. Cameras can be used across all classes. Essential for digital media students and animation students to capture video - we have a couple of low res digital cameras we are using but we can only capture 30secs at a time ..
My Philosophy:
I believe in project based learning and opening up opportunities for all students to learn.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am a 3D Animator who choose to go into education 10 years ago. I have worked on such projects as Anatasia and Titian AE with Don Bulth. Originally from Ireland I now reside in the united states. I enjoy teaching and have seen many of my students head off for successful careers in the media industry.
College and Degrees:
University of Ulster @ Belfast
Why Do I Teach?:
I worked in the Animation/video/gameindustry for many years and wanted to help girls and boys expand their horizons and to encourage students that their talent can take them anywhere.
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 50 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 47 %
Number of students I teach:: 100 students