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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

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Keywords: classroom management, role play, modeling
Subject(s): Social Skills
Grades K through 5
School: Liliam Lujan Hickey Elementary School, Las Vegas, NV
Planned By: Christi Thomas
Original Author: Christi Thomas, Las Vegas
This lesson plan is most effective the first week of school.

This plan can be used for any rule. I call it the 5-4-3. The example I will give is getting ready to walk down the hall. Their goal is eyes forward and arms folded. I will explain expectations for hallway behavior. Then I will ask them to model the behavior I expect. I'll tell them I call this a 5. Then I'll take a picture of it. Then I'll ask them to model what a 4 looks like which is most kids facing forward with arms crossed but a couple are turned around or talking. I'll take a picture of this. Last, I'll ask them to model a 3 which is a crazy line with talking,etc. and I'll take a picture of this. I'll explain to them I'm going to take their pictures and make it into a poster to remind them of the correct way to walk down the hall.

Thd 5-4-3- comes into play when they first get into line and they may be a little talky. I'll say, "I have a 3 line looking for a 5" and point to the poster. They quickly get to a 5.
Materials: Point and Shoot, Word Processor, Batteries
Other Items: 1 Poster Board, $1.00 each, total of $1.00
1 Sharpie, $1.00 each, total of $1.00